After evisceration, the birds are placed in chiller baths of water and anti-microbial agents to reduce pathogen loading. A variety of chemicals are present in facilities where poultry slaughter and evisceration occur that may present an occupational hazard. Potential exposures include ammonia used in refrigeration systems, chlorine or other antimicrobial chemicals applied by spray cabinets and dip tanks, and sanitation chemicals used to clean equipment.
Exposures to high levels of carbon dioxide CO 2 may result from the use of CO 2 as an acidifying agent. Reports of health effects during poultry slaughter and evisceration have often included eye and respiratory irritation, thought to be related to airborne chlorine or other anti-microbial-related compounds. Similar to reports from poultry catchers at poultry houses and confinement units, respiratory symptoms have also been associated with exposures to organic dust and bacterial endotoxins generated during poultry shackling and hanging operations.
Temperature extremes may be experienced at workers in these types of facilities as well as high noise levels. Musculoskeletal disorders and occupational injuries have also been reported. This section provides links to information and investigations about the evaluation and control of these and other potential exposures during poultry slaughter and evisceration. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link.
In order to reduce the attachment of Salmonella and other bacteria to the skin, spray washing of carcasses must occur within fifteen 15 seconds after defeathering and after carcass transfer. Sprays at both washing stations shall be of sufficient volume and pressure, to completely remove visible foreign material from the surface of the carcass including the hocks and any exposed surfaces as a result of bleeding or decapitation.
Oil glands, heads and feet may be removed from poultry carcasses, either before or after evisceration. Oil glands, heads and feet removed before evisceration may only be removed after carcasses have been defeathered and thoroughly washed. If feet are presented with the carcass for post mortem inspection or examination, they must be free of visible contamination e. After post mortem inspection or examination, all viscera including the esophagus, crop, cloaca, lungs, trachea, kidneys and reproductive organs, shall be removed from the carcass before the final wash, and shall be handled as inedible material.
Note: Kidneys and reproductive organs for young chicken under 2. Oil glands, crops and tracheas are inedible products and may be used as mink food or for the preparation of other animal food. Prior to the chilling system, the inside and the outside of the carcass shall be adequately washed. Operators with evisceration equipment designed to completely detach the viscera, may spray the cavity and the viscera provided that:. Note: Operators with equipment which does not fully separate the viscera from the carcass are not permitted to shower carcasses or viscera unless the equipment first passes a test under the generic protocol see Annex C of this chapter.
These standards support the following processes:. The ES monitoring tool has two 2 general components:. The Process Evaluation monitors the contamination caused by accidents during the venting, opening and evisceration operations as described in the ES.
It is performed at a consistent frequency on successive lots. It determines if the process meets the standards on an on-going basis. The Corrective Measure s evaluation is an assessment of the adequacy of corrective measures that have been implemented following a rejected sample.
It determines if the required corrections have been put into effect to insure that the process meets the standards. The evaluation may be performed at the same station as for the Presentation Standards. For more details on the facility requirements for the ES , refer to the Presentation Standards station under the "Plant Construction and Equipment" section of this chapter.
The location for the Presentation Standards evaluation may be used for this purpose. The ES establishment monitor shall be trained and accredited as per the Training Protocol described in Annex B of this chapter. The on-line testing procedure used for the ES shall be similar to the random sampling selection specified for the Defect Detection Standards DDS , as described in section However, the carcass examination area is restricted to the cavity opening as defined below and the carcass cavity.
An accredited plant employee shall conduct scheduled tests on the specified number of carcasses on an hourly basis. Approximate delay required in order to evaluate the effect of the corrective measures at the ES station. Return to table note 3 referrer. For the purpose of the ES , the cavity opening is defined as the pelvic opening of the carcass including the tissue between the point of the keel, the tip of the tail and the two pelvic bones.
Click on image for larger view. With Process Evaluation under Normal Level Sampling, done every hour for 32 or 50 carcasses, there are two possibilities:. With Corrective Measure Evaluation, within 10 minutes the approximate delay required in order to evaluate the effect of the corrective measures at the Evisceration Standards station and 32 or 50 carcasses, there are two possibilities:.
A separate ES Defects Log shall be used for each species. For abattoirs with more than one shift per day, test results for each shift shall be considered independently because of personnel and supervisor differences and shall be recorded on separate ES Defects Logs. Carcasses are scored as a defective sample unit for the presence of any distinguishable defect listed in section A carcass showing multiple defects is scored as one defect e. Defects are scored, a total score is determined and acceptability is determined by comparing the score to the applicable acceptance and rejection numbers.
A copy of the defects log for the ES is included in Annex A of this chapter. Whenever a Process Evaluation is failed the operator shall conduct an investigation to determine the cause and take effective corrective action.