What was under the bed in bates motel

Meanwhile, Norman heads to school, where a weepy Emma wearing a plethora of questionable prints which are either awful or adorably quirky finds him at his locker. Norman demands that Emma return the journal to him, which is not the response she was expecting.

You OK? Watson asks, and, looking kind of sweaty and lecherous, Norman passes out. At St. Sebastian Hospital, a doctor asks Norma if Norman has had episodes like this in the past. Not at all. High school shenanigans have really changed since my days. Dylan fumbles for his own gun when the guys start laughing. Quick draw. Death is awkward. So what about your dad?

She realizes that this makes them kindred spirits, and tells him to scootch over so she can watch an old movie with him. Leaving the cops alone at her house, Norma goes to retrieve Norman from the hospital. As she wheels him away, she tells Norman that police ransacked the house.

It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. The second he gets home, Norman drops to his belly and looks under his bed.

The space is totally empty, save for a dust bunny or two where are those Swiffers when you need them? It seems this time he has a search warrant. As he and his deputies scour the house for clues, Norma rushes back to the hospital. Norma decides to take Norman home against doctor's orders.

She tells Norman about the police searching their house, and his thoughts immediately go to the belt he has hidden under his bed. Will they find it? Norma is preparing Norman's favorite dish, turkey pot pie, when he gives her the bad news. The belt is gone. Norma is stunned; she thought they had cleaned up every last trace of Keith Summers.

Norman is in tears as he tries to answer his mother's questions: why would he want to keep that thing? He just doesn't know. Norma decides the answers can wait. It's time to take action. After Norma leaves, Emma stops by to talk to Norman. He tries to send her away, but she is adamant. If they forget about the dead girl it will be like she never existed. Norman lets her in. Emma has discovered that the number 4 is repeated throughout the sketchbook.

Norman remembers that he found the manga in room four. Emma immediately hops up and leaves to investigate. As Emma explains her theory about the sex slave operation, Norman gets a text from Bradley asking after their plant.

Emma ignores his lovesick smile and continues looking for clues. They discover a Chinese character scratched into the surface under the sink.

Emma can't believe it. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. Share this: Facebook Twitter. Like this: Like Loading Published by. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Alfred Hitch-blog Join other followers. Sign me up. Shelby tells Norma that they need to talk and to meet him at his house for dinner. Shelby tells Norma that he will protect her, lightly blackmailing her.

The 2 of them had sex. Shelby returns and goes upstairs to let his dog out when Dylan rings the doorbell. Dylan asks for directions to the nearest gas station as a diversion to give Norman time to escape. Norman found an Asian girl tied up in the basement. The next day, Shelby and Norma make plans and end up at the motel where they have sex again. He then got in his car and left. At this point, we find out that Shelby moved the girl from his basement to a boat owned by Keith Summers.

Shelby runs into Norman in town and invites him to go fishing. Norman refuses but Shelby keeps persisting. Norman ends up going fishing with him. Shelby tells Norman to trust him. Norman lies and says that he does.


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