UB21 is the University insisting that in the 21st century, it will be heard, seen and respected. When Pres. Robert L. Bogomolny announced UB21 at last September's Convocation , he framed it as a series of questions rather than statements:. In the five months since then, this platform for introducing new ideas about instruction, innovation and course offerings for UB's growing student body has gained ground on a key front: A senior assistant to the provost for academic planning, Regina Bento , professor of management in the Merrick School of Business and an authority on workplace principles and practices, has been appointed more on that in the sidebar.
As UB grows, it changes. The challenge is how to stick to our mission of teaching and learning, knowing that the education market is in flux, that job needs are evolving, and that the pace of life is simply speeding up. As I see it, UB21 acknowledges all of that, and encourages us to have a dialogue about it—with results. So, it's a place for discussion and decision-making.
But it's also a clearinghouse for those activities that can help the University to evolve and, in turn, manage its evolution.
What might some of those activities be? For one thing, it could be a focus on the digital revolution that has transformed so many aspects of our lives, impacting how we work, how we communicate, how we are entertained, and even—as we are witnessing in Egypt and throughout the Middle East—how we create new societies. By rewarding this kind of thinking, UB21 could bring new perspectives to the University's creation of the quality undergraduate, graduate and professional education of this century.
It's a principled perspective that may prove to be an essential difference between those campuses that thrive in the s, and those that simply press on through inertia or legacy. Now we need to reinvent ourselves again to ensure that we achieve our broadening mission in what promises to be the most challenging period of change in higher education since the end of World War II. But we can do it. Our efforts will create a bit of disequilibrium, but that will be far less than the disequilibrium the future is certain to bring if we do not move now.
Our obligation is to our future students. Our success will ensure their success. With a 31 percent rate of growth in total enrollment over the past five years, there is a sense of insistence about this initiative: If the growth continues as expected, and as plans for a nearby apartment building for students come to fruition and the new home for the School of Law takes shape, the campus will not only look different, it will feel different as well.
How can the "flavor" of UB, the tangible and intangible aspects of the University that have real value beyond our borders, remain with us? And, without skipping a beat, how do we change with the changing times? Even though she's just starting out in her new role, Bento already is staking out a position about that:. UB has a strong sense of itself, and in a time when education is being commodified, we have a chance to take that identity and be great. Bento's outlook has been shaped by seminal business management studies like Clayton Christensen 's work in "disruptive innovation," in which a product or service's disruptive nature—whether by intent or accident, it stands out in a crowded marketplace—attains "gotta have it" status, attracting more and more attention and pushing more established providers out of the competition.
While words like "disruptive" and "disequilibrium" imply an unsettled state for everybody, eventually things settle back down to acceptable levels. Nilerud has qualified for every conference post season tournament in his time at the helm of the University of Bridgeport. His overall record in NCAA post season play stands at Magnus is a native of Sweden and graduated from the University of Bridgeport in with a degree in Marketing.
He was a standout soccer player for the Purple Knights from to As a four-year starter and captain, Nilerud was a two-time All-New England Conference selection, and was selected to play in the Senior Bowl. He is very active in the community and is the Director of Coaching of the prestigious Connecticut Football Club.
Throughout the past year, we have seen our favorite actors, actresses and musicians chime in - intellectually or not - about which candidate they support in this year's race for commander in chief. Hollywood has had a strong voice in this year's political polarity. Below are five stars who have made headlines for their political preferences.
A tradition that lives almost two decades is a force to be reckoned with, especially in the fickle minds of college students. But it's the camaraderie that comes along with the competition that makes the experience worthwhile. According to senior biological sciences major and ISA President Mira Pandya, Muqabla has been a major reason for the growing popularity of Indian culture in the United States, especially in the Northeast.
Each year, the competition introduces a new theme to the contenders. This year, ISA will pull inspiration from a popular aspect in Bollywood film: a love-stricken paradise. UB Bhangra, a dance group founded at UB in , will showcase solely the Bhangra genre of dance and music. The Punjabi-influenced music incorporates loud drums and lyrical improvisation from its dancers and is common music in the Middle East.
The members have high expectations for their performance. UB Zeal was founded in and will return to Muqabla with a total of 14 members, and six are veterans of the annual competition at the CFA. According to UB Zeal secretary and sophomore biological sciences major Vrinda Tarneja, the dance group's musical selection includes not only Bollywood, punkra and other Indian-based music but also Latin, burlesque, contemporary, hip-hop and jazz music as well. With Indian and Bollywood culture expanding across the country, it's not uncommon for teams to travel as far as they are for these types of competitions.
However, according to junior psychology major and UB Zeal co-captain Henna Khanijou, the teams at Muqabla have yet to meet and socialize with each other until now.