Though the heal involved with this move is weak Anyone can go with Bloodthirst. Protection - Shield Slam I wouldn't reccomend speccing shield slam unless you are ready to be balls to the wall tanking for raiding purposes.
The 1k crits don't compare to my Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst crits however often twice as much. The one thing that is nice about protection is that your executes aren't affected by weapon so you still do the same execute damage relatively i. Mortal Strike is for big big hits, Bloodthirst is for decent damage and a small heal, and Shield Slam is for medium damage and threat.
Comment by Thottbot Which is better this or death wish? I noticed this costs quite alot of rage, but if its making big crits is it worth missing death wish for? Its not an icon that i click? Its a 'talent' so does it comes up randomly?
Sorry for my noobiness. I usually miss out on the intricacies of games cuz I'm too busy just killing things. Comment by Thottbot never ever spec to protection if you are not lvl60 who is going to tank. Id say fury is the best for leveling and dps dealing, arms for pvp and its ok at everything. Only thing why I hate protection is the long fights, killing a mob takes about 4 times more time than with fury or arms.
I have tried arms twice, protection twice, and now Im going to spec to fury after I get my Blackfury.. Comment by Thottbot Well Ap affects weapon dmg so yeah but no it doesnt affect this directly, Now if u want more damage with it just get improved Mortal strike which really is a waste of talent points but if you use it alot why not.
Comment by Thottbot Does mortal strike give you a chance to crit for higher then normal or is it just a base on you attack power like everything else? Comment by Thottbot Question: If I get this, and buy the mortal strike 2, then respec somthing, then come back to mortal strike, do I have to rebuy mortal strike 2? Comment by Thottbot frostbolt does no way crit higher. Comment by Allakhazam Where can i become mortal strike level 1? Comment by Allakhazam it's nice thing :. Comment by Allakhazam It is in your Arms skill tree.
You have to spend like 20 talent points in arms to get it. Good luck. Comment by Allakhazam Y is this cool? Quick Facts. Cooldown not long , when cooldown gone you got another 30 rage good luck with it. Comment by Ultimate healer gimper. If you're fighting a paladin who you know is about to use his divine shield to heal himself, use mortal strike immediately before he does so. This should cut back on the amount of HP he heals himself by a large amount this also goes for any other healer, of course and should give you a pretty neat advantage.
Comment by To get the most out of MS ie the largest numbers you'll be looking for a weapon with a very high maximum damage value. Generally, that will be a big, slow 2-hand weapon. Comment by It can be said without exaggeration that this is one of the most powerful Arena abilities in-game. Also useful in Bg's, soloing, and raids. Really, one of the defining talents of a Warrior. Comment by Does this thing have an animation besides the blood flying squishy sound like rend?
Comment by If you are going against the twin emperors in Ahn'Qiraj and they get to close too each other just spam this and that will greatly decrease their healing they got So good especially in PvP. Comment by I have a question: Does its antiheal debuff stack with another warriors' mortal strike, or other classes antiheal debuffs, like Wound Poison? Comment by how to get the MS rank 1?
Comment by Oakenshadow Anyone know if this is modified by any melee damage? Comment by Hairband This description is for players at What about scaling from level 10 and up?
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