If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee or 2 as a token of appreciation. We are thankful for your never ending support. If you want to top to monitor swap, you should add swap to the menu and sort by it. Nice artical and nicely explained but i have one query that why to use swap space even if we have lot of free memory?
Swap space is used to temporarily hold data moved from the system RAM, which is not actively being used by the system or user especially when RAM is filling up. Even if you have enough RAM, it is still recommended to create a swap space for Linux. Another reason is that it helps during hibernation of a computer, where the an image of the RAM captured and saved in the swap area.
On restarting the computer, that image is reloaded into RAM, thereby enabling you to work from where you had stopped point of hibernation. Tomas, Thanks for updating about smem tool, we will try it out and include the tool with examples to this list. Have a question or suggestion? Please leave a comment to start the discussion. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. What is Swap space? How do I check Swap space usage in Linux? We shall look at different commands and tools that can help you to monitor your swap space usage in your Linux systems as follows: 1.
Using the swapon Command. If you liked this article, then do subscribe to email alerts for Linux tutorials. This moves all data from swap memory back into RAM. It also means that you need to be sure you have the RAM to support this operation. This would result in a bottleneck. The second possibility is you might run out of memory, resulting in wierdness and crashes. Swap is used to give processes room , even when the physical RAM of the system is already used up.
In a normal system configuration, when a system faces memory pressure, swap is used, and later when the memory pressure disappears and the system returns to normal operation, swap is no longer used. Swap space is used when your operating system decides that it needs physical memory for active processes and the amount of available unused physical memory is insufficient. When this happens, inactive pages from the physical memory are then moved into the swap space, freeing up that physical memory for other uses.
I agree with the awk hash table, I took a shortcut here. Feel free to edit the answer to keep the attribution in edit history. In locales other than C , the sort order is generally not based on the byte value. StephaneChazelas Nice point, didn't though about the locale. Again feel free to edit to add the precision so the credits will be yours at least in history edit.
This answer is a lot better than the most voted one here. It does deserve more upvotes. That and other answers here were discussed at Why is using a shell loop to process text considered bad practice? Amol Kulkarni Amol Kulkarni 61 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge. Even on small systems, you will found a shell A shell variant! Not bash only This is exactly same than lolotux script , but without any fork to grep , awk or ps. And a perl version As this become a not so simple script, time is comming to write a dedicated tool by using more efficient language.
Hauri F. Hauri 55k 14 14 gold badges 92 92 silver badges bronze badges. It assumes process names don't contain space, tab, : , backslash, wildcard or control characters. StephaneChazelas Thanks! The syntax is known, but the process names are not. At least quote your variables. Process names on Linux can contain any byte value but 0 but are limited to 15 bytes in length.
This at least the perl version which I just tried is hugely faster than the other answers. Show 9 more comments. Otheus Otheus 8 8 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. This is good, but the first one sorts by pid ascending sort -n. The better usage is to have it sorted by swap usage in descending order the most using in front of the list. To get it change "sort -n" to "sort -n -k 3 -r" — Stan Brajewski.
Soumya Boral Soumya Boral 10 10 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges. Oh, I didn't know smem can do this, thanks! FTR, I modified a command I usually use to look like this smem -kc "name user pid vss pss rss swap" , so now I can see the amount of swap used in the last column. Alexis Alexis 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. Above may emit lines such as awk: cmd. Mikko Rantalainen Mikko Rantalainen Dmitry z Dmitry z 3, 3 3 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges.
Another good one is over here Also, use a good tool like htop to see which processes are using a lot of memory and how much swap overall is being used. Jean Azzopardi Jean Azzopardi 2, 23 23 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges.
The same answer as lolotux , but with sorted output: printf 'Computing swap usage The Overflow Blog. Podcast Explaining the semiconductor shortage, and how it might end. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked 1. See more linked questions. Related Hot Network Questions.
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