Who owns lone mountain ranch

All in, the refurbishment would affect 24 cabins of various ages, sizes and floor plans, two rental log homes, the restaurant, saloon, outdoor gear shop, bar and the once converted log schoolhouse. The cabins offer rustic elegance with luxuriant bedding and linens, contemporary bathrooms and just the right amount of modern conveniences alongside the heritage logs. Just as each log is unique in its size, shape and character, each cabin differs in furnishings and decor style. Stone hearths provide warmth and focal design in some cabins while woodstoves accent others.

A contemporary concrete sink contrasts the live-edge wood slab counter. These are the nuances of the renovation: Preserving character while adding new charm. Burlap-like curtains in the main room hang over the very logs that were wrapped in the material seven decades earlier. In the Bitterroot cabin, a white sheet-rocked wall with built-in cabinets and shelving offsets the log walls and defines a sitting area.

Antique and vintage curiosities vary in each cottage: a milking stool, throwing darts, native baskets, woolen rugs, wooden bowls. A nostalgic array of vintage records provides background music to the narrative of Lone Mountain Ranch. At full capacity, the facility accommodates horses, 80 guests, 70 employees and one requisite ranch dog. After a long day in the saddle, fly fishing or exploring Yellowstone Park, guests return to their cabins to find the porch lights on and their beds turned down.

Chef Eric Gruber oversees the all-day process of smoking ribs, curing corned beef and baking fresh pies and breads. The spokesperson also declined to say how much CrossHarbor paid for the ranch.

Lighthiser said she was optimistic about the sale and that the change in ownership may open new avenues for conservation. Sections U. Science Technology Business U. Large Montana ranch sold to subsidiary of Montana resort.

A subsidiary of the company that owns a luxury Montana resort has bought the 18,acre 7, hectare ranch in south central Montana. Lone Mountain Land Company, LLC was formed by CrossHarbor Capital Partners to manage the planning, entitlement, building, marketing, and sale of premier real estate communities in and around Big Sky, Montana, and other locations worldwide.

Our company supports world-class club operations at Spanish Peaks Mountain Club and Moonlight Basin, while overseeing real estate activities at these Clubs and additional projects in the Big Sky region. Lone Mountain Land Company is comprised of industry professionals with decades of experience developing resorts across North America.


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