It needs to be attended to every day: honing skills through training; joining local practice groups; joining the IACP; going to forums and conferences; marketing; networking with fellow Collaborative Practitioners; creating an elevator speech, publishing online and in paper, changing the approach to client consultations; helping clients envision possibilities that exist.
Many people have been watering and fertilizing their Collaborative seeds for many, many years; maybe without visible results. Then, suddenly, their Collaborative practices show signs of growth and the Practice blossoms. Contact Mrs. Mazza at or carolann cmazzalaw. View all posts by: My Collaborative Team.
Insightful and inspirational commentary. Les Brown got it right in terms of life and developing a collaborative law practice. It made my day. Thank you Carolann. Thanks for this. Very important to reflect on this and a nice time of year to think of planting seeds.
Germination is a process familiar to those of us who grew up amid the cornfields of the midwest— the potential stored within the seed that will burst forth in its right season. I live in the North East of Thailand and I can confirm that the bamboo story is true as I have over the last few weeks just seen it happen.
We do live in a very rural area though so I assume the seeds were planted as per nature. But one day…I was walking out onto our balcony and I noticed a growth I had not seen before. I somewhat knew the bamboo growth story and so I was excited to see it. And in a few weeks. You can sit on the balcony and literally seeing growing in front of your eyes. Saying that bamboo grows 1 meter a day is misleading as not all bamboo species grow that fast.
Therefore, one should always specify the species. These growth rates can be established in shooting season, and when optimal soil and climate conditions are present. The time-lapse video below for example, also mentions a growth rate of up to 1 meter a day for the Chinese Moso Bamboo Phyllostachys edulis. Another bamboo species which has been reported to have incredible fast growth rates is Madake bamboo Phyllostachys bambusoides.
Herbaceous bamboos are usually small and resemble grass and are only a few centimiters tall, while woody bamboos depending on the species can grow up to 30 m tall and 20 cm in diameter, hence the reason they are often confused for being "trees". The bamboo species Dendrocalamus sinicus is considered the largest bamboo in the world reaching 40 m in height and 30 cm in diameter.
An extraordinary example of bamboo's resilience is the fact that it was the only plant to survive the radiation of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima, Japan in The incinerating heat destroyed all trees and other plant life, except for one bamboo grove. The grove has since been removed, but culms from the grove are preserved in a museum in Hiroshima.
Less than a year after he developed the first practical light bulb , Thomas Edison designed a new version that had all the essential features of a modern light bulb; an incandescent filament in an evacuated glass bulb with a screw base. The most critical factor was finding the right material for the filament, the part inside the light bulb that glows when an electric currant is passed through it. Edison tested more than 1, materials, including coconut fiber, fishing line, even hairs from a worker's beard.
Finally, Edison ended up using bamboo fiber for the filament. Edison and his team discovered that carbonized bamboo had the capacity to conduct electrical currant, and that it could last more than hours, more than any other material at the time.
The immensely popular ornamental house plant that is believed to bring positive energy and prosperity for those who place it in house or office, is in fact not a bamboo at all. Lucky bamboo, which originates from the African continent, is widely cultivated in China and Taiwan and exported worldwide. Unlike real bamboos, lucky bamboo grows very slow at about 10 cm annually. The stalks are usually sold when they are between 10 cm and cm tall. The botanical name for Lucky Bamboo is Dracaena braunii also known as Dracaena sanderiana.
Your Cart. What is the Origin of the Word "Bamboo"? Because it contains large amounts of silicate acid, bamboo is abnormally flame resistant.
This is good news in fire-prone regions of the world, where other tree and grass species are regularly devastated by wildfires.
Incorporating clumping bamboo into tropical reforestation efforts, then, can protect the long-term viability of projects.
Which makes it an incredible, environmentally friendly building material — especially in earthquake-prone regions. In this regard, bamboo has been prevalent since the beginning of humanity, and has been used in place of wood, bricks, steel, and more.
In fact, in some countries, bamboo stalks are used to build scaffolding. If we used bamboo for more construction purposes, we would save many trees and primary forests from deforestation. Because bamboo is a grass, it has a very shallow root system — with rhizomes only populating the top 6 inches of the soil. The rest of the roots only spread around 14 inches deeper. But because the roots are so densely clumped, they do a great job at holding the top layer of the soil together, thus preventing soil erosion.
The light weight of bamboo allows women to participate in the bamboo economy, giving them access to a potentially lucrative source of income, and can help secure them a place in decision-making in political, economic and public life.
Some examples of products they can make with this self-sustaining resource are: bamboo briquettes, charcoal, incense sticks, and furniture. Pretty amazing, right? In running bamboo, the rhizome grows horizontally away from the culm, and can indeed spread rapidly over large areas of land. Conversely, the rhizomes of clumping bamboo grow vertically, spreading upward and growing directly off of each other.
It also depends on where you are and whether bamboo grows naturally in the region. It is native to tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates and is most common in Asia and South America - though it also grows in parts of Australia , Africa , and in the southern United States.
In our tree planting projects , we always plant clumping bamboo, allowing us to reap all of its amazing benefits without risking unintended harm — a win-win for the planet! Check out our Philippines project to plant bamboo with us today!