Can you become organized

I like how you say work life balance dosent exist- so true! But yet my house and laundry are a mess. If I do that now then I will be cutting into sleep time that I need before I go back on shift.

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I was so hellbent on controlling everything and everyone in my life that I struggled to delegate tasks. Signs of a disorganized person Okay, you may or may not have sweaty palms as you read this list and realize that some or all! You run out of household supplies when you need them repeat after me… tissues are NOT the same as toilet paper Communication in your life is causing havoc, your phone storage is always full, your computer files are everywhere and nowhere!

When all of your ducks are not in a row to begin with, it can be challenging to add any more uncertainty or spontaneity into your life. Why is organization important? Your beliefs Your beliefs about material objects in your life make it difficult and seemingly impossible for you to let go of things, people, ideas and emotions from the past. Procrastination You delay starting or completing tasks. Lack of focus One of the reasons your so disorganized is an inability to focus.

Indecision One of the biggest causes of disorganization is indecisiveness. Conclusion A disorganized mind can be paralyzing. Jo xo. About Jo Burgess Jo is the creator of Life Sorted, one of the highest rated family organizers on the app stores.

Blog 10 top tips for helping the kids stay organised when learning from a distance. Cluey Learning September 9, Blog Six ways tutoring can help kids build confidence at school. Cluey Learning September 3, Jo Burgess August 27, Priya says:. Your behavior is what you choose to do, and you make that choice each time you take an action. Similar to the way entertaining others takes energy for an introvert and rejuvenates an extrovert, it does take more energy for naturally disorganized people to get and stay organized.

If you decide that becoming more organized is, in fact, a priority, here are my tips on how to sustain your new system:.

Can a Disorganized Person Become Organized? Perspectives Oct 8, Anita Bruzzese says: While there are plenty of tutorials online about how to best organize your desk everything must have a place, only items you need immediately allowed on your desk, etc.

Alexandra Levit says: First, some good news. Eva Rykrsmith says: To answer this question, I want to differentiate between personality and behavior. If you decide that becoming more organized is, in fact, a priority, here are my tips on how to sustain your new system: Have a good, specific reason for why you want to be organized. Work with your personality and your habits, rather than trying to change them.

Observe how you do things now, and create a system that can support that in a more organized and methodical way. Find your weakest spot and conquer it first. For me, it is paper. If I have a solution for minimizing the amount of paper that needs to be on my desk, it clears up my clutter dramatically.

Written by Alison Green. Evernote , Google Drive , Todoist , and Notion are all cloud-based systems to consider. A quality system for storing information is well-organized and easily searchable. This way, you can quickly retrieve data when you need it. That container of leftovers has been sitting in the fridge for…well, how long has it been now? This everyday example illustrates the importance of labeling things.

You have to practice it and make it a habit. To start developing a mindfulness habit, make a list of all the obligations and dependencies in your life. If it helps, you can draw it out as web:. Often, simply making a list of all the things going on in your life is enough to help you keep better track of them.

You have a dentist appointment at 9 AM. What time should you leave home? This answer assumes that nothing will happen during your trip to slow you down. It assumes that:. How do you decide how much of a time buffer you need? Since you need to allow an extra 15 minutes for all of the above, you now decide to leave for your appointment at AM. Did you just waste 15 minutes? No, of course not. After all, you did bring a book or something else to do in your spare moments, right?

Then you just got some extra time to read and improve yourself. When you build in extra time to do things, you accept that life is unpredictable. You also end up keeping your appointments, completing tasks on time, and generally being less stressed. Organized people live by the motto, Two is one, one is none. That is, organized people have backups of anything they regularly use.

Even if you're not a big list maker and only jot down the big projects, look at it every day and cross off what you've completed or what you've deemed no longer relevant. Not only will this help keep you on top of your tasks, but it will also make you feel productive when you cross off that item after it's been completed. Make your to-do list at either the beginning or end of the day. Mid-day is too late for the current day, and often too early to have a real sense of the following day.

Do a quick scan of your checking and savings accounts. Keeping an eye on your financial accounts allows you to see what you spent the previous day so spending doesn't get out of control.

It also allows you to notice fraudulent charges as soon as they happen. Plus, looking at your savings puts you in the right frame of mind each morning to continue saving. A small, pocket-sized notebook yes, you read that right is essential to an organized life. Use this to write down items for your shopping list , errands, to-dos, and random thoughts, and carry it with you everywhere you go.

It's endlessly portable, user-friendly, and never needs re-charging. You never know when you'll need to quickly jot something down like upcoming events, shopping lists, any notes you want to remember, the money you've spent, or a running to-do list to accomplish. Organizing your wallet is one of the best, quickest, and easiest organizing projects to instill as a daily habit. Tackle this one whenever you have some downtime—like sitting on a train or in front of the TV on a weeknight.

Declutter your wallet by first filing away any receipts you need to hang onto, then shredding and recycling the rest. Then, go through your cadre of rewards cards, making sure the ones you use the most are front and center.

Don't forget to remove any loose change and store it in a jar or other designated container in your home. There's no need to carry around the extra weight. Check with your meal plan either every single day or every few days to make sure you're still on track.

Daily is best, because then it becomes a habit, and you can update it as necessary while you also look at your calendar.


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