Overview Biggest companies in the world by market capitalization Revenue and financial key figures of Coca-Cola Revenue distribution of the Coca-Cola Company worldwide by operating segment Leading U. LRB brands market shares Ready-to-drink coffee market share in the United States in , by company. Market share of the best selling juice and smoothie brands in the U. Market share of leading CSD companies in the U. More interesting topics Related topics.
Restaurant industry in the U. Bottled water market in the United States. Go to report. Contact Get in touch with us. H M S In the news. Kim Bhasin. Have you had your daily Coke product yet? Coke makes so many different beverages that if you drank one per day, it would take you over 9 years to try them all. If every drop of Coke ever produced were put in 8-ounce bottles and laid end-to-end, they would reach the moon and back over 2, times. If you stacked up Coke's 2. Coca-Cola owns a whopping 15 of them.
Around the world, the average person consumes a Coke product every four days. Coca-Cola spends more money on advertising than Microsoft and Apple combined. Americans ingest 1. Coke uses , tons of aluminium for its cans every year just for its US operations. That's equal to Here's another huge company that's everywhere.
Loading Something is loading. The Coca-Cola Company manufactures, markets, and sells certain beverage concentrates, syrups, and finished beverages to authorized bottling partners. The Coca-Cola Company does not own, manage or control most local bottling companies. We manufacture, market, and sell beverage concentrates, sometimes referred to as "beverage bases," and syrups, including fountain syrups.
In addition to concentrates and syrups, we also manufacture, market, and sell finished sparkling soft drinks and other nonalcoholic beverages. Our bottling partners and some Company-owned operations manufacture, package, merchandise, and distribute the finished branded beverages to our customers and vending partners, who then sell our beverages to consumers.
View Board of Directors. Sparkling Soft Drinks.