Enema how many quarts

Gives a thorough colon cleanse. Due to its compact size, can be carried easily. Easy to assemble , with good quality accessories. Bag is available in various colours of 2 Quart and 4 Quart capacities. Comes in 2 sizes —the 2 quart Enema bag kit and the 4-quart enema bag kit The 4 quart bag ensures a huge capacity deep cleansing of colon.

Most kits give cheap plastic hooks. Marius Surrey , Canada Very pleased with the quality of the product. Andreea Tulcea , Saint Lucia I received my order in time. People buying this also bought 2 Quart Enema Bag K Related Products. Ribbed Silicone Hose - 1. Rubber Latex Hose - 1. PVC Enema Hose - 1. Community A people to people community, which brings together Yogis, Yoga teachers, Yoga aspirants and enthusiasts Read More.

All rights reserved Disclaimer At Health and Yoga, we are constantly researching and bringing to you products which are not commonly available, yet have a remarkable effect on health and healing. We supplement this with exhaustive information on yoga and natural health that helps you take charge of your body and health without having to depend on external advice.

We hope you find that every visit to this website, betters your life in an incremental way! Tongue Cleaners. Neti Pots. Enema Kits. Enema Accessories. Yoga Mats, Bags and more. Body Toning Aids. Go slowly as you deliver the enema solution into the colon. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get water into the deeper colon.

Use a hands-free nozzle. Any of the inflatable nozzles or silicone colon tubes work well hands-free. Massaging the colon in a backwards motion can help move the enema solution deeper into the colon. Use additives in the enema water. These include Celtic Sea Salt and essential oils. Essential oils, used in the second enema, help to soothe and heal the colon.

To learn more about using the essential oils in the colon, view our video, Essential Oils and Colon Cleanse. For your third fill, take a coffee enema. When you deliver coffee to the colon, you increase blood flow.

Increased blood flow to the intestinal tract improves the el imination processes within the colon. And with the extra she puts in I can handle 2 quarts and retain for 10 to 15 minutes. I have had three but it is not very easy to try to retain. I have read in nursing manuals that "older" patients have to be given larger volume enemas because the Colon stretches with age. A benefit of growing older!!

Remember,your colon is a muscle that can be trained to hold more than two quarts. If you never take more than that,the colon won't stretch to take any more. The key here is to do a couple of cleanout enemas of a 1. With each enema just try a little more solution than the previous one. You will surprised how much your colon can hold. About five years ago, I decided to go to an enema pro in San Atnonio, Texas to fulfill a couple of fantasies of mine.

Earlier that day, I decided to hedge my bets since I was a little apprehensive about what was in store for me with the pro, and have a colonic irrigation. Boy, was that a great move on my part. The pro's specialty was advertised as enemas, but all she had was a regular 2 quart combination bag.

Part of the way through the session, she gave me the enema. I lay there on her hospital bed enjoying the beauty of it all. I heard water running again, and she came back with another 2 quart bag and proceeded to fill me up again.

I didn't tell her about the colonic, and she made me hold the two enemas for about 20 minutes or more. Even though I could have used a safe word to go expell, I don't recall feeling really full, since most adults can hold a gallon of water.

This is definitely the most water I have ever held at one time. She teased me, letting me get my face extremly close to her cootchie. She let me expel the enema, threatening to beat my ass if I touched my penis. I later was allowed to finish, and erupted in a huge orgasm. To this day, I have never had such an amount of water in me at one time.

Why are so many people hung up on how large an enema they can take? Do they get more pleasure from taking such large volume enemas or is it to be able to just say they did it?

I don't think my orgasms would be any stronger with more than the 2qt enemas I normally take or more intense, for that matter. I agree completely. To each his own, but my attraction to enemas has nothing to do with monstrous cramps and painful excruciating retentions - doesn't spell e-r-o-t-i-c in my book, not at all. I was always more attracted to the sinister side of enema play, I always fantasized about nurses and scary hospital settings as a kid - nurses using strange formulas, spooky fluids and medicines, stinging solutions.

Read here more information what is bonus group membership. Various features here might not work at all. List Browse List by tags. Enemas Volume and Frequency. Views: Created: Post number 1. Post number 2. Post number 3. Post number 4. Post number 5. Post number 6. Post number 7. Is there such a thing as to many enemas in a day if your just using clean water? Post number 8. Post number 9. Post number


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