How do i lower hardness in pool

Share on twitter. Share on email. What is Calcium Hardness Calcium hardness is the measure of how hard or soft your pool water is and how much calcium is dissolved in your pool water.

Testing for Calcium Hardness Whereas your regular checks for chlorine pH and total alkalinity should be done weekly at the least testing for calcium hardness does not need to be done as regularly.

Hard Pool Water If you test your water and have found the reading to be high above ppm you may notice your pool water is cloudy. Soft Pool Water If you test you water and find that the water is soft and the reading is low below ppm Your pool water will become corrosive and will start attacking your pool equipment.

Do a thorough clean of your pool. Making sure to brush the walls of your pool, vac the pool and backwash the filter to remove any contaminates. Balance your water chemistry by bringing your pH and alkalinity levels to the correct range. Both of the chemicals used to correct imbalances will affect your calcium hardness.

If after doing these steps your calcium hardness tests at above ppm then you will need to lower your calcium hardness levels. If it is below ppm then you will need to raise the calcium hardness. How to Lower the Calcium Hardness Levels There are several ways you can take to lower the hardness level of your pool water. It really helps when doing this to brush the walls thoroughly to lift the calcium deposits from the walls. The last option is to use a dry acid to raise the saturation levels in your pool.

Subscribe To Our Newsletter. Get updates and learn from the best. Swimming Pool Guides. The Swimming Pool Buyers Guide. Download Now. The Swimming Pool Installation Guide. If you find that your calcium levels are still high, you can adjust the alkalinity of the pool to control calcium hardness. For a pool with high calcium levels, add capfuls of muriatic acid to lower the alkalinity to around Be sure to wait at least 12 hours before testing the alkalinity again.

If you have troubling finding it, try searching online. Put sodium bicarbonate in the water if you want to raise the alkalinity. If you add too much muriatic acid, the alkalinity of the pool can drop below Add capfuls of sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, to the pool water, and wait 12 hours before testing the alkalinity of the pool again.

You can find small boxes of sodium bicarbonate at the grocery store. If you want to buy in bulk, look for multi-packs at the home improvement store or order a large box online.

Pour soda ash into the water to raise a low pH. If the pH of your pool is below 7. Then, wait at least 12 hours to test the pH again. Monitor and adjust the chlorine levels as needed. The chlorine level should be around PPM when tested. If the chlorine is low, increase it by adding chlorine tablets to the skimmer basket.

Then, retest the water to ensure that the chlorine is between PPM. Read the directions on the package to figure out how much to add to the pool to lower the chlorine levels to a reasonable level. Chlorine is important for balancing the effects of calcium hardness. These 2 chemicals work together to make sure that the pool water is clean and safe to swim in. Part 2.

Vacuum the pool thoroughly and scrape or chip off any calcium deposits. Before you adjust the calcium in your pool, use a small hammer or paint scraper to chip away at large calcium deposits on tile or plaster. Then, thoroughly vacuum the pool using a suction or pressure vacuum with a brush attachment to remove debris and scum from the lining.

If you do get into the pool, rinse your body with fresh water afterwards, and be sure to wash your bathing suit. Drain some of the water from your pool using a hose or pump. Get a water pump or a use a hose to make a siphon , and place it in the pool.

Place the discharge end of the hose or pump in a well-draining area, and wait until the water is about 4—6 inches 10—15 cm lower than the original height.

Never drain your pool completely unless you are planning to do structural adjustments. Draining all of the water can cause the pool to lift from its foundation because of a loss of weight. Use a hose to refill the pool with fresh water from a spigot. Attach a garden hose to an outdoor hookup, and place the end of the hose into the pool.

Turn on the spigot and let the water run from the hose into the pool until the water has reached its original height. Avoid overfilling the pool, which can cause the rest of the chemicals to become imbalanced.

Test the calcium hardness in the pool using a test kit. About 12 hours after you finish the water replacement, use a calcium hardness test kit to gather the newly diluted water in a container. Then, insert a test strip or add the chemicals in the kit to the water, and wait for it to change colors. Match the color with the corresponding one on the package to see the calcium level in parts per million PPM. You can find calcium hardness test kits, and other chemical test kits for your pool, at most home improvement stores or pool centers.

Part 3. Test the calcium levels in your pool once every months. So, the most effective option would be to make sure that it remains less than ppm, but still over ppm. Be sure to analyze your water source before doing this, if you are thinking about emptying your pool. Some areas are considerably better than many others. If you have a regular pool service , they should be able to help you figure this out.

For example, calcium hypochlorite is included in many chlorine products although you may get calcium free chlorine.

Trust me, this is going to be considerably cheaper than you if you just sit around doing nothing.


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