How many are directioners

What age range are directioners? Are there more directioners or beliebers? Who is better directioners or believers? How many directioners are there? Do directioners have their own land? What are directioners?

How many true directioners live in Texas? How many one direction fans are there in Macedonia? What are directionators? What are the fan's of one direction called? Where do Australian directioners live? Did beliebers turn into directioners? Where do directioners live?

Why do some directioners hates Eleanor and Danielle? What does lln mean for directioners? What does the directioners called Harry Styles? What are the names of one direction family? What does one direction call their fans? What are One Direction's fans called?

What are One Direction fans called? What is the name of one direction fans? Is Zayn Malik on twitcam? Anonymous : WeWillMeetAgain1d. REPLY 64 6 months ago. Anonymous : Add your name, how many directioners?

Anonymous : Merisss. REPLY 5 5 months ago. Anonymous : Olivia. Anonymous : Once a Directioner, always a Directioner REPLY 57 6 months ago. The more popular an idol is, the more haters they get. But haters are not the reason, it's army itself. We became a more toxic fandom, firing up fanwars, insulting other idols or fandoms. I certainly dont like that, now army has become one of the most hated fandom in the world.

Though i know, the fandom is not fully filled with toxic people. There are still so many with beautiful hearts, but unfortunately i'm not interested in it anymore. It's not at all true. Directioner fandom was toxic in Now all I could find is love. I still love the bts, and they will leave a special place in my heart and I am thankful as they introduced me to Kpop but I also want to say that I just moved on and found a sound I preferred.

I don't regret leaving army fandom. REPLY 83 7 months ago. Still they call us toxic when most directioners in this comment section are saying 1d is superior bts will never reach to their level and many more things. REPLY 15 7 months ago. Anonymous : I just want to let you know that there are toxic members in every fanbase as personality differ from person to person.

Im and army and most of the armys can proudly say that they love BTS for who they are , their message , their music , their inspiration and humbleness that's why we call ourselves army. I as an army am not crazy after streams and views , that's not what army stands for, it seems you know nothing about what armys depict and think it's just a name tag. And if u were a mature person u wouldn't even compare directioners and armys like that.

Personally I feel proud to be an army even more as I hear if all the good things Armys do , like the 1Milliom dollar donations , covid donations , etc. And I listen to one direction songs too. REPLY 14 6 months ago. Anonymous : I sincerely want to thank you for speaking up in the favour of Armys.

The way this person has depicted us, it makes us look really bad and mean which we aren't. I'm definitely proud of my fam and will never leave it. If this person would've left the fandom just because they weren't interested in BTS anymore that would've been fine. People's taste changes from time to time. But the reason that this person gave is really upsetting, I mean just because of a few fans you left an amazing family who always has each other's back. Well it was your choice but I would really love it when they stop unnecessarily labelling our fandom as the 'Toxic' one.

REPLY 16 6 months ago. Anonymous : that is cause toxic people do not stay till the end sicearely a directioner. REPLY 17 5 months ago. Anonymous : Yeah then why are you a directioner till now, because by reading the comments in this comment section I find majority of TOXIC directioners saying BTS look the same, they do not have any talent and 1d is superior than BTS etc. Grow up and realize that the toxicity comes from both the sides, when people like you realize this these stupid fanwars will be over.

Sincerely an Army. REPLY 16 5 months ago. Anonymous : you're right friend this is just for attention don't pay heed to them.

Anonymous : Hats off to you dude REPLY 8 5 months ago. Anonymous : Ngl One Direction had the white privilege which made it easier for them to be widely accepted by the world but BTS didn't let this be a barrier for them n they proved the world that music knows no boundaries.

Even if 1D was active now BTS would've still been on the same level. Honestly at this point I'm so tired of my fellow directioners being so toxic towards Army's n the vice versa. I agree 1D has great music but so does BTS. Y'all need to stop Fanwars. And BTS have to go through racism every now n then which thankfully 1D didn't go through. REPLY 19 7 months ago. Anonymous : Zayn had to sad:. REPLY 20 6 months ago. Anonymous : i total agree with you.

Anonymous : Ngl One Direction had white privilege so they were without a doubt widely accepted by the people who all around the world but when BTS managed to be the biggest boyband in the world without having white privilege. Our Bangtan boys proved that Music has no specific language. BTS would've shined regardless of the fact if 1D were still active. REPLY 13 7 months ago. Anonymous : when 1d was together i didn't have social media accounts like most of the directioners thats why they may have less followers now due to hiatus but we are still talking about them its proof that they were the biggest and most successful band of our time so my answer is 1d till i die.

REPLY 37 7 months ago. REPLY 24 5 months ago. Anonymous : In your time right in our time BTS is the best. Anonymous : Without Any Doubt Army's are the best. I respect 1d also but i will choose army. REPLY 18 7 months ago. Anonymous : Bts bts. REPLY 10 7 months ago. Anonymous : I mean my directioner family and 1d means the world to me. I still remember back in when I was having depression and how they helped me to fight through it. How songs like "diana" saved my life.

I can never forget when the people directioners from all over the world who I didn't knew were texting me on Instagram if I am doing good or not. They were the ones who were there for me.

Sometimes the people who are thousands of miles away can make you feel better than people who are right beside you. I mean they all saved me which I am so grateful. I love this family and my boys sooooooo muchhhhh. Thank you directioners. REPLY 45 7 months ago. Anonymous : one direction is far superior that bts. REPLY 41 7 months ago. Anonymous : In your dream. REPLY 1 4 months ago.

Anonymous : bro if one d was still here BTS would not be this famous and stop being rude TPWK or else we gotta do it tommo's way and one d is the biggest fan base truth hurts But it is what it is.

Even if 1D was together BTS still would've been successful. I mean these guys can dance and sing at the same time and their stage presence is amazing.

Both the groups are completely different from each other, so stop giving 1D the credit for their success. And directioners might be huge but our fandom is no less. REPLY 47 7 months ago. How dare you compare them to BTS? REPLY 48 7 months ago. Anonymous : I mean i cant choose they are both were and still are big.

I was a directioner since i was like t years old and right no i am a ARMY i respect both they are both the best sooooo if i had to cboose one i couldnt. They both helped me when i was in tough times. Sooo I could not and will not choose. REPLY 11 7 months ago. REPLY 22 6 months ago. Haters haters go away, One Direction are here to stay!! REPLY 51 7 months ago. REPLY 4 5 months ago.

Anonymous : I think im gonna make this my ringtone. REPLY 29 7 months ago. Anonymous : 1d. REPLY 32 7 months ago. Anonymous : One Direction forever. REPLY 35 7 months ago. REPLY 33 7 months ago. REPLY 31 7 months ago. Anonymous : Okay guys, listen. We are both very, very powerfull fandoms, okay? We both love our boys and would defend them to our death.

And we're both stubborn I know But I think, we ,the directioners, are the more powerfull fandom. I mean, 1d is in a break, since 5 years And we're still here and loving and supporting them.

In their time as a band AND in their solo carrieas. We ve got a whole lot of history We hacked in security cameras, we have their fingerprints, their bloodtypes When you make new friends you ask them many questions, or not? It is just my opinion but: We. We treat the other fandom with kindness well, the most of us but we are not affraid to do it the tommo way, if someone talks bad about our boys.

And with this comment i dont want to offend the Army, BTS isnt bad. For example i like the song dynamite. It isnt a bad song, i like it. But i didnt music that their type of music so much I really understand why you stan and love them but i like 1d more But I also think that 1D had their time to be the biggest Boyband in the world. Now it is BTS time to shine. I don't cheat on my boys and you, they're literal legends!!

But maybe we could live in peace together?! Yeah, i know i think a lot like Haz and i apologize for my bad english it's not my language i learned it in school and i think. REPLY 36 7 months ago. Anonymous : your english was actually perfect. REPLY 1 5 months ago. Anonymous : Thank you for this!

I'm a Directioner and this totally matches my opinion. Even though I don't listen to their music, I don't hate on them, unlike army! Anonymous : pls this comment section is full of directioners, we're everywhere even after almost 11 years! REPLY 59 7 months ago. REPLY 6 6 months ago.

They sit with the beatles, queen, nsync, backstreet boys and more. For me, i think bts haven't achieve that status yet for being legend or the greatest boyband.

But they still super big now. REPLY 44 7 months ago. Anonymous : Who the heck compared one direction with Beatles queens. I used to hear armys were toxic now I see it's you omg. REPLY 8 6 months ago. Anonymous : One direction has some of the most loyal fans, they are still remembered as some of the biggest boy bands and backstreet boys are actually seen as most famous but in the end one direction broke multiple records.

They also sold a total of 70 million albums by the end of And lastly, their was a vote where people voted if BTS or one direction was better. One direction got I dont have anything against BTS or the actual fandom, its people like you I dont like.

You think that BTS is great and think this comment will make people like them but it is the reason the fandom is toxic and why people dont like it.

REPLY 2 5 months ago. Anonymous : Dude this person is literally supporting one direction, why are you claiming Armys to be toxic.

I believe you should have read the comment thoroughly before commenting or you have this habit of calling Armys toxic no matter what the comment is about. Anonymous : 1D is big but people couldn't see it because they're on hiatus so there's not much that fans could do and BTS are still together. Yall can go vote for them and stuff.. So y'know what i mean One Direction is big but we didn't shine yet because our idol is on hiatus. I mean, what whole world see now only BTS they're active now.

REPLY 30 7 months ago. Anonymous : I think we shouldn't compare both fandom. I mean they exist in a completely different period of time. For me, both fandom are powerful. One Direction has conquered the world. But now they're on hiatus and it's time for BTS to conquer the world. But still, I think 1D has become a legend. They sit with a group of people like the beatles, queen and stuff.

REPLY 26 7 months ago. Anonymous : You know what well BTS is the biggest boyband in the world.. If we are staying quiet then y'all better shut your mouths as well;.

Anonymous : Preach! REPLY 3 6 months ago. Anonymous : "The Boys" was a title the 1D boys earned first and "the boys" will always be referred to 1D. Just an opinion. The boys and bts don't hate each other why should we?

TPWK people! Anonymous : BTS suck no offence but directioners are a family even though the boys are on a break we arent so we can agrre one direction are the best most hottest and amazing band ever created.

Anonymous : If people think like thst then why does bts have soooo many fansss.. Anonymous : First of all. Anonymous : Directioners forever. REPLY 39 7 months ago. Anonymous : Why do y'all even compare???!!! Anonymous : Idk why directioners not consider this to be a toxic behaviour and find faults in everything Army says. Anonymous : directioners forever. REPLY 38 7 months ago. Anonymous : Band might break up for now but we will be the best for years and years.

Anonymous : Directions for infinite years Anonymous : directions always. Anonymous : one direction it is so obio. REPLY 40 7 months ago. Anonymous : obio its 1d. Anonymous : it's obvious- one direction. Anonymous : I'll always hold on coz they make me strong.

REPLY 27 7 months ago. Anonymous : One direction is ,was, and will be the best. Anonymous : I will never stop being a directioner, idc what anyone says about us, we're strong and we WILL love 1D forever. REPLY 43 8 months ago. Anonymous : I want some of my last words to be 'The story of my life' and 'I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days'.

Anonymous : Directioner4eva It's been 10 years since One Direction became a band, and it's been 5 years since their '18 month' hiatus, but we're all still here. Whenever someone insults any member of 1D we'll do it the tommo way!

REPLY 35 8 months ago. REPLY 33 8 months ago. REPLY 29 8 months ago. REPLY 45 8 months ago. REPLY 48 8 months ago. REPLY 38 8 months ago. Anonymous : One direction forever. REPLY 56 8 months ago. Anonymous : Hi Dont get me wrong I have a friend who loves BTS but BTS will probably never have water fights or larry or any other things that the boys have done and will do.

REPLY 74 8 months ago. Anonymous : BTS has had many experiences and achievements that 1D never had and will never have, like giving a speech at the UN, having fans all around the world even though korean isn't spoken worldwide etc. And even BTS has had many water fights during their concerts and we also have taekook, jinkook etc all the members have a special bond with one another.

I mean no hate to 1D but in terms of closeness BTS members seem to be more closer with one another as these guys have to stay away from their families in their dorms and find a family in one another. REPLY 24 7 months ago. Anonymous : I guess this comment section is filled with directioners. Anonymous : 1.

There's Taekook 2. They can dance 3. They're legit full time comedians 5. REPLY 4 6 months ago. Anonymous : first of all, you missed 4. Second of all, you may have taekook but we got harry, louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

Fourth of all, Have you ever seen an interview with them or a concert. I dont hate BTS or the actual fandom, I hate the toxicity and people like you.

Anonymous : Umm Anonymous : One Direction till my last breath Yours truely, H. REPLY 64 8 months ago. Anonymous : One direction IS the best boy band No matter what it WILL be the best boy band in the world. REPLY 54 8 months ago. REPLY 49 8 months ago. Anonymous : One direction is not just a musical band for us. It's like a life style for us. REPLY 69 8 months ago.

Anonymous : As a hardcore directioner I just wanna say that we directioners don't hate bts or army's You all don't know the pain because bts is together and they are doing really well which they deserve It's hard for us other fandoms tease us We're already going through a lot that is why sometimes we become rude when other fandoms say 1d sucks or their band is much more better than 1d and when we try to defend we sound rude and everyone calls us toxic I am sorry if you have faced anything like this from our fandom directioners we're not at all like that please understand us I am sorry if i sounded rude REPLY 78 8 months ago.

Anonymous : Louder for the people at the back. Anonymous : They're both incredible. Stop comparing. REPLY 32 9 months ago. REPLY 9 7 months ago. Anonymous : lmao no. REPLY 1 6 months ago. Anonymous : Please stop disliking the comments that say bts to get those comments to the bottom, it's rude. REPLY 18 9 months ago. Anonymous : I'm also an army but one direction will always be the first to me.

Sorry bts us really good but 1D is still better. REPLY 65 9 months ago. Anonymous : ooof BTS fandom roasted!!! REPLY 19 8 months ago. Anonymous : How is that a roast can you please explain I wish I could add the laughing emoji. REPLY 3 7 months ago. Anonymous : 1D 4 life. REPLY 52 9 months ago. Anonymous : 1 direction forever. REPLY 57 9 months ago. REPLY 48 9 months ago. Anonymous : Look I'm sorry I'm such ass , I'm sorry I'm too emotional but u know what it's in my blood its a part of who I am.

I believe music is a part of u its a part of ur heart, ur soul, ur life imagine what life would be without music? Anonymous : 1D is way better.

REPLY 8 7 months ago. Anonymous : what's happening celine!!! REPLY 54 9 months ago. REPLY 58 9 months ago. Anonymous : armys too. REPLY 31 9 months ago. Anonymous : I love one direction but y'all better stop disliking comments that literally just say "BTS". REPLY 44 9 months ago. Anonymous : We saw our family break in front of us We saw zayn leaving We saw them going on a break we're still waiting.

REPLY 9 months ago. Anonymous : that's so emotional, man. REPLY 16 8 months ago. Anonymous : Yesssss!!!!! REPLY 55 9 months ago. Always and forever. End of discussion. REPLY 50 9 months ago.

REPLY 71 9 months ago. Anonymous : Hey directioners we are the best and the whole world knows REPLY 59 9 months ago. Anonymous : An army just commented "bts is obviously the best band and has the best most active fandom" okay according to you you if you think like that i respect your opinion but how can you just say that directioners are stanning a non existent band.

So according to you one direction never existed? That's what we call non existent. And you also said "one direction isn't the best band because it is not even a band anymore. I hope you got your answer : True directioners will support them either way. Directioners are not dead fandom. Directioners will always be the best fans and One Direction will always be the best boyband in the world.

REPLY 78 9 months ago. Anonymous : Bts is obviously the best band and has the best most active fandom. Yall are stanning a non-existant band. One direction isn't the best band because it isn't even a band anymore. You should go stan them as solo artists. REPLY 22 9 months ago. Anonymous : we just don't want to be toxic REPLY 42 9 months ago. Anonymous : And you call directioners toxic?! REPLY 43 9 months ago. Anonymous : Dude, you cannot say that BTS has the most active fandom!

There are hella Directioners on here defending 1D and trying to prove we are the best. All of us still support them as solo-artists and as a band. We want them to be happy, and just because 1D is no longer together doesn't mean that the fandom isn't together either.

We are all right here and will always stand by the boys whether they're together or not. I'm literally going to pass this fandom down to my children to keep it alive as long as I can. So don't you dare say One Direction isn't the best band, because fans are what makes a band great. And like I said, all of us Directioners are right here. In the words of Michael Clifford, "Real bands save fans, real fans save bands.

It does on mine at least. Anonymous : Sure!!! REPLY 0 7 months ago. Anonymous : same with bts and army.

REPLY 0 6 months ago. Anonymous : Directioners lets go!! REPLY 46 9 months ago. REPLY 53 9 months ago. REPLY 61 9 months ago. Anonymous : Always One Direction :.

Anonymous : one d forever!!! Anonymous : Treat people with kindness. Anonymous : I m crying rn I miss my 5 boys soo much REPLY 62 9 months ago. Anonymous : we all know one direction.

Anonymous : We have waited for five years almost 6 if that's not loyal I don't know what is. REPLY 64 9 months ago. Anonymous : one direction for lifeee. REPLY 47 9 months ago. Sirena is a college student from SoCal who's been writing fiction newsletters for her family since she was eight. She loves all things music, boybands, and mermaids.

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