Yeah I derped with the drops thing. I should probably not write posts at 2am. Like I said it's a pure Gimmick list so I wouldn't take it too seriously. It's more "How many Dark lance shots can I cram into one army".
The big units of Scourges are more for ablative wounds Twin Assault Cannons do horrible, horrible things to Dark Eldar in general and often wipe MSU Scourges from the table after one round of shooting and because I quite literally own that many Scourges with Shardcarbines I often joke about finding spare Scourge boxes just lying around the house. That and having all of those Shardcarbine shots does nasty things to Marines that were booted from thier transports.
Those small Dark Eldar units rarely have the volume of fire to make thier points back before being wiped out in a single round of shooting it's why I've dropped Trueborn from my lists completely unless it's to spam Splinter Cannons or fill a Tantalus with something that aren't Sslyth and with Eldar and Dark Eldar not really caring much about morale and Eldar leadership in general , you lose a lot less from morale than you would think.
That said the input is helpful. I do appreciate it. The problem with "ablative wounds" in 8E is that it means those Razorbacks do no need to kill the whole unit to make the rest of the models run away. You kill and it is likely the rest will flee. You already need to get close to use the Splinter rifles and 2 shots that do D3 damage each is more reliable than 1 shot that does D6. At the very least, I would drop Scourges per unit to split the Kabalites.
If I was going to post something actually competitive I would be posting my usual list. If we toss in Gman? That Razorback will statistically wipe out the 5 man Scourge Squad in a single round of shooting. With a full 10 man Squad, that's an average of what? Why are Eldar heavy weapons so cheap? Oh so bitter. That being said, nice list. Screw the "Gimmick" aspect of it, its a game, there are rules, play by them and win.
These are great changes — Adrenalight is now slightly weaker and therefore better balanced with Grave Lotus but still very potent, while Splintermind now has a reason to exist at all, particularly since Reavers are a cheap and effective platform for the much-improved heat lances.
The other big thing with Combat Drugs in 9th edition is that you no longer have any restrictions on handing them out — you can just give them to whatever unit as you please, so for example if you have two lots of Wyches you can give them both Grave Lotus.
Picking the right drugs really depends on your plan for what your units are going to do. Splintermind, as mentioned, has some relevance for gun-toting Reavers.
If you have multiple detachments you can upgrade multiple characters, including multiples of the same type, but you can only have one per subfaction in your army. These upgrades all cost points — 15 each to upgrade an Archon of Succubus, and 20 for a Master Haemonculus.
Each type gains its appropriate keyword — i. A fantastically powerful ability, since it means your Succubus can dive into combat, do her bloody work, and then freely run away again to the safety of a screening unit or behind terrain or whatever else you want to do with her, without ever getting hit. A useful ability for keeping a Haemonculus ticking over just that little bit longer, and making your opponent work a little bit harder for Assassinate points and the like.
A fantastic once per game relic, which can be used at the end of the Movement phase. This is an excellent ability — in simple terms it means the unit always hits on 2s, which is great against hit modifiers in general, but also means that you can e. This is great for a unit mounted in a Raider, allowing them to max out on their weapon options while losing nothing for moving and shooting. This is a huge boost to the combat effectiveness of your Bloodbrides, making them both hit more reliably and harder.
Like other codexes, Drukhari have a number of different subfactions which you can pick from in order to gain different bonuses, here called Obsessions. The largest and most powerful Kabal, headed by Asdrubael Vect, an ancient and utterly evil Drukhari known as the Living Muse.
The Black Heart certainly have the longest faction trait in this Codex, with a full four separate parts. Labyrinthine Cunning and Writ of the Living Muse will both be familiar to 8th edition Drukhari players.
The trait is fine, though the vagaries of dice can often mean you miss out on getting much from it and you have two very strong traits on the generic Archon list. The relic will be much missed on Ravagers; probably its best use now is in a Realspace Raid, where it will help out Incubi and possibly Scourges as well.
Pulling away from things that are mostly unchanged, Agents of Vect has had a complete redesign in 9th edition. The effect now is a lot subtler but potentially very powerful, as when your opponent uses a Stratagem you can play this for free and force them to pay 1CP more for it each time they use it again after. The standout feature of the Poisoned Tongue is their unique Stratagem.
For 2CP you gain a huge amount of power in deployment — you can split your army up such that if you go first you are deployed aggressively and can bring up all your forces for a big turn 1 punch, or alternatively if going second pull them back and into hiding — or even off the board altogether in Strategic Reserves, and even exceed the limits normally imposed on that option.
Each new incarnation of a codex brings suffering for something that was considered to be too good in the previous one, and here the hammer falls on the Flayed Skull whose obsession is a straight downgrade from 8th edition. Archons also benefit from the being able to re-roll in melee, letting them punch up a bit without committing to Hatred Eternal. The boats benefit slightly more from Black Heart than Obsidian Rose, but the wound re-roll is still decent value.
You can create a custom Obsession using these rules, by either picking two and combining them or picking one All-Consuming trait. Overall this is a pretty weak set of traits; none of them combine particularly well with each other and a lot of the effects are fairly niche. The Cult of Strife is the most spectacular of the Wych Cults, with a reputation for excessive violence. The Cult of Strife also gets some additional bonuses from their mini-supplement in the Book of Rust — 3 extra Warlord traits, 4 extra Relics, and another full page of Stratagems.
With an extensive list of bonus options over the other cults, the Cult of Strife is the common default choice for a Wych detachment. The first is an extremely reliable and consistent damage dealer, while the latter has the potential to score a horrific number of mortal wounds on the hit roll. Dance of Death can also be comical for charging a Raider or Reaver Jetbikes squad through a wall.
The Cursed Blade and Red Grief, below certainly get less stuff than Strife, but their core strengths keep them competitive. The mortal wound component is also potentially amusing, with an enemy which attempts to squash your flimsy Wyches with volume of attacks having it turned around on them. Athletic Aerialists adds another dimension to this, allowing your fragile Wyches or Succubus! Finally we have the Blood Glaive , reduced compared to its 8th edition version but still decent — in particular it pairs well with the Precision Blows Warlord trait for a potential spike of mortal wounds thanks to being damage 3.
If you really want to pick some custom traits and do something unique you can, but you can probably do better. The Prophets take a big drop in relative power level compared to their 8th edition incarnation — and not before time, since they had basically all of the good Covens rules in the last book. The relic is still good, though no longer unique; Overwatch is a lot less scaryi n 9th and you can get fight last from Incubi and an Ancient Evil Archon already, who also do more of what you want.
The stratagem is a high point here, offering re-rolls to hit to a part of your army which often lacks them; in a pinch you can even pick the Haemonculus to use it if you want to. The Warlord trait on the other hand is really cool — stopping actions and removing ObSec is very strong, especially since it lasts until your next Movement phase so it not only stops an enemy unit scoring their own points, it potentially flips control for you to score in your Command phase too.
The Warlord trait is also a decent defensive buff for a Haemonculus, and the relic and Stratagem make them surprisingly able character-killers too, with a potential 12 damage plus the mortal wounds to finish something off. As mentioned at the start, Drukhari have a couple of unique options for army construction allowing you to unlock the potential of all these faction traits.
A Realspace Raid lets you jam them all together, while Raiding Forces mitigates the effects of splitting them all apart. A Realspace Raid reflects the way that Drukhari forces often work in the fluff — a powerful Archon organises a raid into realspace, directly supported by allied Cults and Covens. In game this is represented by a Realspace Raid detachment; that detachment must contain one Archon who must be Warlord, one Succubus, and one Haemonculus, as well as one of each of their associated Troops — i.
Of the two options Raiding Forces seems to be the one winning out competitively — Realspace Raids burden you with a Haemonculus, both the most expensive HQ and the least useful, and prevent you from accessing the Cult of Strife options or using Drazhar at all without taking another separate detachment at a cost of at least 2CP.
There are three sets of three Warlord traits, split by type — 3 for Kabals, 3 for Wych Cults, and 3 for Haemonculus Covens. Archons have had a significant improvement in the 9th edition book, picking up a couple of really useful Warlord traits and relics as well as getting the option to become a Master. Alternatively, you can keep them cheap to utilise their Overlord aura to provide re-rolls to key units — particularly helpful for Incubi — or utilise Ancient Evil for a guaranteed fight last on an enemy in Engagement Range, a safer bet than gambling on the Tormentors.
Drazhar is simply amazing, even after a 10pt hike in the FAQ. Like all Incubi, he can try and keep himself safe with the Tormentors rule which allows you to roll 2D6 against Leadership for an enemy unit in Engagement Range, and make them fight last if you beat it. Succubi got some BIG improvements in 9th edition, in particular by going up to a base 6 attacks. By far the most common combinations are Cult of Strife Succubi with some mix of Competitive Edge and Precision Blows for a Warlord trait along with either the Triptych Whip or Dark Lotus Toxin relics and equipped with razorflails, in the latter case — typically set up with the pairings respectively there, i.
This gives you a high number of attacks which get, effectively, super re-rolls, or the potential for a very high burst of mortal wounds thanks to the large number of damage 2 attacks up to 14 on the charge that Dark Lotus Toxin razorflails grant you. Alternatively, you may also see a Blood Dancer with the Whip, looking to exploit the high number of attacks to explode for even more hits. You have a lot of options, and these are so cheap that you can usually afford to run a couple of them at once and get a pair of highly effective melee bashers with an enormous threat range.
Lelith has a great new model and is an iconic character, which makes you wish she was good. Instead, she gets to either charge in a turn when she Fell Back or Advanced, or fight again at the end of any Fight phase in which she kills at least one model. It would have been nice if GW could make up their minds exactly what Lelith is meant to be good at and given her the tools to do it. Fleshcraft has also moved onto the datasheet, which is nice for keeping your monsters ticking.
If nothing else they'll also work as bonus protection by taking them as additional bodies. You can't give scourge obsessions. So, no increased range, sadly. I mean that Dark Lances have literally double the range of Blasters.
I don't think that's changed in the Codex? Deep striking within 36 inches of a priority target is much easier than deep striking within 18 inches of one. But you get -1 to hit when deepstriking. I like HWB. To be clear though. Otherwise the darklight is the same or better than HWB. Blasters are looking best to me. HWB are good against heavy vehicles, but that's a bit too specific for my tastes.
Shredders are good now, but I'd rather have them on Kabalites. Meanwhile, Trueborn are gone so no more spamming Darklight with them , and the Disintegrator has become a much more attractive option for Raiders, Ravagers and such. Hence, I think Scourges are looking like the best source of massed Darklight. Any intel on Heat lances yet?
I guess Dark lances are better elsewhere with Obsessions which is good for me? Heat lances if i remember correctly are same stats but 12pts, they are in a sore spot atm being melta and only str 6. Soulless Samurai wrote: Blasters are looking best to me. Trueborn are gone? Did I miss something? But when I'm bad I'm better. Mppqlmd wrote: But you get -1 to hit when deepstriking. Yes, that's the trade-off. It's admittedly situational but I'd rather take -1 to hit than be unable to hit my target entirely due to being out of range.