Train frequency is 2 to 3 minutes during the peak hours of 7am to 9am and about 5 to 7 minutes during off-peak times. Use a stored value card such as an ez-link or NETS Flashpay where fares are charged based on distance travelled.
Alternatively, you may purchase a standard ticket at every train station. Yishun Integrated Transport Hub. Photography and filming of video within SMRT premises. Aircon in Trains. What is the temperature setting of the aircon in SMRT trains?
The temperatures are pre-set. Foldable Bikes in Trains. This is to prevent the devices from being a tripping hazard for other commuters. Track Maintenance. A Rail Grinding Vehicle grinds track surface and helps reduce noise from train operations Our maintenance staff inspects the tracks daily to check for track defects.
Track defects can also lead to noise, so our staff inspects the tracks everyday. To do this more efficiently, we invested in a high-tech automatic track inspection system called Rail Vision, which allows us to continuously monitor track conditions, even during train operating hours.
SMRT has worked with the Land Transport Authority to establish a monitoring system to measure the noise generated by trains at selected locations close to major residential estates. The measurements are taken every three months. With the results, we can identify locations where the noise levels are close to the guidelines set, and prioritise preventive maintenance works at these locations to ensure these guidelines are not breached.
Follow Us. A Rail Grinding Vehicle grinds track surface and helps reduce noise from train operations. Our maintenance staff inspects the tracks daily to check for track defects. The "SMRT" typeface is oriented towards the right, projecting SMRT as a dynamic and forward-looking company that strives relentlessly towards excellence in public transport.
Red highlights the passion and energy we embody. When the roundel was first conceived in , the two bands were meant to symbolise the two main rail lines being built then — the North-South and East-West Lines. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
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