This included his wives — when his second wife, Anne Boleyn, caught the sweating sickness in , he stayed away until the illness had passed. The king was a competent player of various keyboard, string, and wind instruments and numerous accounts attest to the quality of his own compositions.
Rumours have long persisted that the traditional English folk song Greensleeves was written by Henry for Anne Boleyn. Henry captured the city of Tournai in modern-day Belgium in and went on to rule it for six years. The city was returned to French rule in , however, following the Treaty of London.
Henry was a big spender. All this changed in when the king — then in his mid-forties — suffered a serious wound to his leg while jousting. This never properly healed, and instead turned ulcerous, which left Henry increasingly incapacitated. By the time of his death, he had to be winched onto his horse. It is this image of the corpulent Henry VIII that has obscured the impressive figure that he cut for most of his life.
Despite the popular image of Henry VIII throwing a chicken leg over his shoulder as he devoured one of his many feasts, he was in fact a fastidious eater. My personal opinion is that there could be some merit in the theory that Anne was spirited away and buried at her beloved Hever.
There is no way Anne was as tall as 5 feet or 5 feet 3 inches. People shrink as they become older due to gravitational compression of the spine. They would not have known that n Tudor times. I for a woman is about 5 ft.
The average height of a woman in the United States is five foot four inches tall. In the day of Queen Elizabeth I mom the average hight was different than of today. Mount examined could have been hers they were found where she was said to have been buried and more importantly, the report said her skull had two large eyes, and she was famous enough for her large eyes they were her most attractive feature quite possibly.
No Anne did not deserve to die she wss not guilty in my opinion and poor Catherine wss just a stupid immature child giddy at being choosen by the king. Sure I can admit she was young and a bit foolish but she had been sexually assaulted by many men in her life. She may have not been the smartest wife but she was generally a nice person. So Anne and she were both not that guilty. Her being raped was out of her control. In my opinion Catherine Howard went through a lot more trouble then Anne.
Sure Anne was framed. The weird thing is that Anne Catherine got treason for incest. And they were both cousins bro. And she was a child still Anne died at 35 Catherine died at If the king chose you, you had no real way to deny him.
For information about our privacy practices, please visit our privacy page. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Just like you I am particularly enamoured of this period of history, and have been since I was ten years old. I went to a school named Hardwick and lived in England until I moved to Australia.
All my history books came with me! Now I live in California and fascinate my friends with stories from the Plantagenet, Tudor and Stuart times. Of course their interest is mostly peeked by the stories of the Tudor court.
I was born of welsh parents , so that is part of love for the period. Your articles are interesting and it is lovely to know that this time in history is still evoking so many questions. Henry Viii like most men played fast and loose. Ann held out for a crown but lost her head.
Jane was a ninny. Anne of Cleave smartest of the bunch as was his last , Katherine Parr. The silly little air head Katherine Howard was a bit of fluff and soon came to a sad end. Divorced , beheaded, dead, divorced, beheaded, survived is how the ditty goes. What evidence do you cite for Jane Seymour being a ninny? As far as I am aware there is no evidence that Jane was a ninny or uneducated or anything else that Anne Boleyn fans love to quote.
Jane Seymour was conventionally educated, conventional in her beliefs and actions and a traditional Tudor woman. This does not make her a ninny. Yes she tried to intervene in the case of Mary and the rebels, but she had the common sense to back down. Katherine Howard was also portrayed as a ninny in the Tudors, but as books by Josephine Wilkinson and others show, this image is far from the truth.
Our image of the Six Queens has been seriously distorted in a number of ways, with Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, the two beheaded Queens suffering the worst. Much work has been done to restore these six incredible ladies in recent years, with Anne Boleyn emerging as generous, socially responsible, well educated, astute, influential in the Reformation, rather than the witch, night crow of popular culture.
A ninny suggests that Jane Seymour was empty headed or an idiot, but the evidence is that she was far from this. Divorced, beheaded, DIED, divorced, beheaded, survived is how it goes. Otherwise there would be no rhyme. She was only 16 when her ambitious Norfolk family used her as a pawn in marriage to Henry to further their ambitions. She was seduced by a well-known pig famous for attacking young women.
She may not have been too smart, but were you at 16? A little forgiveness and kindness would be acceptable for this unfortunate young woman. Not out-and-out dismissal. Good grief. Please stick to the facts of history rather than employing misandrist theories.