Idiomation did, however, find out that someone can actually talk nineteen to the dozen which sounds like an amazing feat all in itself when talking a mile a minute , and that people who do, are often thought of as motor mouths.
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Top Definitions Quiz Examples mile a minute, a. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. They named cars in those days; that day Oldfield was driving old — after the record-breaking locomotive on the New York Central line. The car had been designed and built by Henry Ford, an obscure Detroit automaker. Ford had driven himself in a few races, but in he turned it over to this year-old bike racer from Ohio.
It was Barney Oldfield who made Ford a household word. Of course was nothing like the regular cars Ford made, but they were pretty good, too. It would be nice to report that the Smithsonian owns , but it belongs to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, where it has resided since But Oldfield, who dominated car racing for ten years, set records in the object at hand, namely a Winton Bullet, one of two owned by the Smithsonian and now on long-term loan to the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum in Cleveland.
Just after the turn of the century the whole world was car-crazy. In the United States, there were scores of automakers, and most of them built for the rich. Ford made history — and a fortune — by building for the masses. His idea was to produce cars that his workers could afford to buy, a radical concept that, some historians say, helped ensure that America would never have a worker-led revolution. The more you read about the early cars, the more you realize that some of the wind-whistling hype was true — at least driving them was often a very dangerous adventure.
Before one early race, 's engine began to sputter for lack of fuel. Quick as a wink Oldfield cut a hole in the gas tank, stuck in a hose and kept blowing air in as his partner, seizing the tiller, drove all the way around the track.
Thereafter, he liked to call himself a human gas pump. Soon every small boy in the country was copying Oldfield's swagger and round goggles. He used to come to towns for races in his private railroad car.
His agent would announce that he would take on all comers at the local horse track, a dirt oval found in almost every village. Suspense built, and finally the great man emerged, cigar clamped in his mouth to cushion the place where he'd broken some molars in a crash.
He usually grinned at the crowd, shouted "You know me, Barney Oldfield!