In this way, the city or state is actually being compensated for the signs, but just in a less obvious way. Some places do sell their old signs to the public. Seattle is the most notable example of this. You can find some great original signs online in places far afield.
There are also plenty of private retailers on eBay and other sites selling purported real street signs. Private manufacturers create the road signs that cities and states use. So, if you cannot buy a sign directly from your local government, you may get one like they have. Many online sign makers custom make signs to look identical to the signs you see out on the street. This may be your best bet at legally getting a sign of your own in most cities.
When buying street signs from eBay or other retailers, a good question is whether those signs were gainfully obtained. If not, could you, the new purchaser, be in trouble? Generally, to be punished for buying stolen merchandise, you have to know it is stolen.
You also have to purchase it with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of the property. If the sign is identified by the rightful owner, you will likely have to surrender it. Knowingly selling stolen property, which the sign is, is also a crime.
The severity of the crime would be based on the value of the sign. Getting caught selling a single street sign is pretty unlikely. However, it would be a bad idea to make a business based on stealing and selling street signs. Because there are options for lawfully purchasing signs, it is usually not illegal to have them. If you are purchasing signs, it is a good idea to keep a receipt in the event signs near you go missing.
Some places experiencing excessive theft of signs do choose to aggressively prosecute sign theft based on possession. In those scenarios, the signs are usually unique to the area, so it is easy to determine they were not obtained lawfully. It is illegal to display street signs so that they face the road. The concern is that drivers may interpret them to be in-use signs.
Some people think street signs are cool garage or dorm room decorations. Remember that the actual street is not the place to get free wall hangings. As such, you can be charged with a misdemeanor or even a felony. In all, a free sign is not worth the risk, no matter how funny it is. There are many options for lawfully getting a street sign. Either order a new one online or buy a used one online.
At the end of the day, taking street signs divert government budgets from more useful projects and put drivers at risk. My name is Keren Tayler. What matters is how you obtained the sign in the first place.
Street signs are considered to be city property, and stealing one is treated like any other theft. If caught, the punishments range from fines to actual jail time, though that all depends on the sign you swiped.
In other words, stealing is no joke. Steal an electric fence warning sign, and someone can get electrocuted. Steal a street sign, and emergency services workers can get lost, putting lives and property at risk.
And if someone gets hurt because of the sign theft, the thief can be sued or even criminally prosecuted for the consequences.
Property owners can also have problems caused by sign theft. By law, property owners are required to warn their guests of hidden hazards on their properties, and a failure to warn of such hazards can lead to a lawsuit.