Something similar happens with the pile of coins. As it collapses, the pile spreads outward, a wave of money carrying a staggering amount of momentum. The pennies, quarters, loonies, and euros scour the landscape in an expanding ring.
Within seconds, the wave of coins engulfs you and you die. There are ways to avoid this. You could, say, build a wall around the coins to contain them. Unfortunately, then you might face a problem worse than death:. Heavy skyscrapers need ground strong enough to support them. Places with large skyscrapers, like those in Manhattan, need bedrock sturdy enough to hold them up. However, a paper in the Journal of Economic History says that this is a myth, and the bedrock had little influence on the location of skyscrapers.
Daniel Pino So you've somehow found a way to gather all the world's money. So you cast your magic spell and summon all the money. You probably don't want to be standing under it, so let's assume you're standing over here, off to the side: The vast majority of the weight in the pile is coins, and the biggest single contributor is the US penny. Unfortunately, then you might face a problem worse than death: Building code violations.
Which makes me wonder: Did Scrooge McDuck ever have to worry about this stuff? Prev Next. A kilogram person who lowers their center of mass by half a meter will burn about half a calorie of energy standing back up:. All else being equal, to replenish those 0. And food costs money. Donuts provide calories per dollar , or 8. On the other hand, if you get your energy from expensive fresh strawberries, you might only get 20 calories per dollar—meaning that picking up that penny costs you 2 cents in extra strawberry.
In dollars per calorie, the cheapest energy sources in the supermarket are refined sugar, oil, and shortening. But on the other hand, burning calories is exercise, which is good for you. Crouching to pick up that penny is equivalent to two or three seconds on an exercise machine. See also Is It Worth the Time? However, Randall neglects to consider the effect that customers have on prices.
If customers consistently go out of their way to get the lowest prices, then sellers will be motivated to lower their prices to attract customers. On the other hand, if customers consistently purchase from the most convenient seller, then sellers can raise prices without losing business. The trick is that unless there is someone willing to pay you for your time at the moment, your time really cost nothing. Which means that for people working 40 hours a week, there are unpaid hours per week.
Okay, it can be argued that instead you could be doing something more pleasurable or useful i. But in reality there still is plenty of time simply wasted, so 10 minutes one way or the other just doesn't matter. And by the way, at the typical U.
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb. Jump to: navigation , search. Explanation [ edit ] This comic is a jab at price-gouging shoppers who spend large amounts of time checking multiple shopping outlets for the best deals. Transcript [ edit ] [Ponytail is standing next to Cueball filling his vehicle with petrol. Ponytail is pointing off-screen. Gas is ten cents a gallon cheaper at the station five minutes that way.