The server source code is availible, but not the cheat detecting client code. Its using the same anticheat blizzard did when 3. I'm not an expert either, but unless theres an exploit in the server side code which will ignore the cheat checks or something similair, dont think we have much use of the source.
You're incorrect about the mac thing. Warden is in the mac client, too, so cheat detection will work. Your best bet for continuing hacking on a server with Warden support would be to find a hack that wasn't detected by warden in 3. WoWInfinity, NoAddition, etc. Originally Posted by myran2. I'd like to add, AT is running on Trinitycore, which have their patch for Warden under development see topic Yet, as stated above, it's not finished yet. Furthermore, as you can see in the above link, warden is opensource, yet it includes a table in the Database with all the signatures from different cheats, currently only a few signatures have been added in the database, and therefore Warden is not detecting everything as it should yet.
It's up to the server admin to fill this table with data. Originally Posted by Laniax. It'll easily detect the most used hacks like wowemu hacker, which I dont think has any protection at all. Originally Posted by debofanki. The Warden records an IP address that may persistently resolve to a specific home or office.
It tracks account information tied to a single named user and financial data if one respects the Blizzard software license. All sorts of data may be captured from other windows while a player is active. Concerned with the ramifications of the data transmission, Greg Hoglund wrote and released a tool called the Governor, which monitors Warden data transmissions using Microsoft Corp.
Because the Warden is also included in single-player and LAN-capable software, it's a reasonable assumption that there remain undiscovered functions that can also disable stand-alone software in response to predefined criteria for cheats or detected license violations.
When the Warden detects a game cheat or license violation, it shuts down the client -- specifically targeting an individual for violation of the software or online service license agreement based on specific data associated with that individual's account.
Clearly, it allows for disabling of gaming accounts. None of this should come as a surprise. The WoW software license clearly states that Blizzard will conduct monitoring and may reach out across the Internet to take action on a user's computer if it believes that user is cheating or violating the license agreement. This fits the legal notion of "self-help," wherein a software developer is essentially authorized to break into a system or network to shut off unpaid-for, unlicensed or misused software -- and indemnified against consequences of doing so.
The Warden isn't all that different than the daemon included with Microsoft Office for OS X that probes the local network and disables the Office applications if it finds a duplicates of itself, or Windows Genuine Advantage, which checks for license compliance -- while uploading all sorts of machine and application information to Microsoft -- and can disable major features of an entire operating system.
Other software companies use even more virulent methods. For example, a former client wanted to migrate away from a non-Y2k-compliant enterprise document management system and let the license lapse, but was barred from accessing its own data in an encrypted repository until it paid the vendor for another year's license renewal. However, accepting such situations is an organizational decision made by groups or individuals authorized to act on behalf of -- and accept risk for -- the entire organization.
Should individual users of a corporate, government, military or other organization's network decide when to install monitoring and reporting software? Should lone users accept license agreements with self-help stipulations that may affect production systems and the networks to which they are connected?
Break out the clue stick. Having individuals accept risk for an organization without being authorized to do so by the owners, board, regulatory body or other governance body is very bad on its own. If a user takes control of a system and installs software that substantively subverts the governance, monitoring, management or confidentiality of the system or network to which it is connected, is the system still substantively under control of the organization?
If the answer is no, continuing to use that system for work may be a violation of applicable laws and contracts. When a rogue user subverts an organization's computer and enters into an agreement that allows for a third party to monitor and partially control that system, it means the organization is no longer in control of it -- plain and simple.
This is where organizations may feel a legal pinch. Blizzard Entertainment, publisher of "World of Warcraft," is one of those companies. Players sometimes cry foul about such practices, though, arguing that a game developer's need to keep out hackers doesn't outweigh customers' rights to privacy. The "warden" has been used for Diablo 2 for atleast a few years, and I'm pretty sure Valve also does scans on your computer for hacks as well, but IIRC they can only search in the game and it's subdirectories.
The PunkBuster software that Battlefield 2 uses acts just as you describe 'Warden'. Battlefield 2 does not require PunkBuster to play, but when I tried playing without it there were only a small handful of servers, none of them ranked. Holy hell, there's a lot of FUD in that blurb. Yes, the WoW client does scan for hack programs, but the scan is very simple - it pretty much just checks the names of running executables. I'd find the official posts on the Blizzard forums talking about this, but the search function on said forums is largely broken.
That Wiki is bullshit, probably written by some asshat that got busted for running a 3rd party program and got banned. What Abe said is spot on.
While I'm somewhat annoyed by this on idealistic grounds, the reality is that blizzard has something like 2 million people who play WoW. Blizzard can barely keep their game servers running. They'd DoS themselves into oblivion if they even tried.
In short, is it annoying? Is it something to be concerned about? Not really. Right because it is not like they ran a huge online game service before WoW right?
Jeez, tone down the rhetoric a bit man. Fact is, Blizzard has a very poor history of setting up and maintaining high traffic server systems. That certianly hasn't stopped them from trying though. The number is actually more than twice that now. Nearing 4. Unless Blizzard specifically stated in the EULA or ToS that they'd be scanning and uploading information with regards to other processes unrelated to WoW running on one's computer, wouldn't that violate unauthorized computer access laws?
They scan the list of running processes, but that's it. They don't scan the memory of other running processes. Even if they wanted to, you can't even do that in Windows.
You can't access another process's memory.