Skyrim oculory where is it

Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Unable the focus the oculory during reveling the unseen quest? The title is pretty much self explanatory, I have both flame and frost spells, and using either on the crystal doesn't seem to expand or contract it , therefor the light it reflects stays the same on the wall, making it impossible to align with the rotating reflecting mirrors User Info: grandiarules.

Accepted Answer. No matter what i did the reflected light did not move , i started a new game and before putting the crystal in the oculory, i talked to the mage from the synod and asked what i was supposed to do with the crystal , and after he was done with his long winded explanation, i put the crystal in and seemed to work with the attuning so remember, talk to the synod mage before doing anything with the crystal or the quest will bug up and you won't be able to finish it no matter what thanks to everyone for your suggestions User Info: grandiarules.

Other Answers. Duration: Posted: Dec 30, Detailed Walkthrough. Your Journey Begins in Focus is the Key. Talk to Paratus. Revealing the unseen - Focus the oculory - Why can't I focus the Cross the next room and open another door leading eastward. Proceed until you reach a room containing two dead Falmer. Beyond the next door to the east waits a Dwarven automaton.

It can be a Dwarven Centurion of the strongest type you can confront at your level. A Centurion on the other side will not be able to fit through the door to attack you up close, whether the machine breaks open the door or you open the door first. Keeping a distance makes it easy to dodge its steam attacks and pick at the machine with your own ranged attacks.

After destroying it, obtain the Mzulft Observatory key from the chest on the east side of the room. Retrace your steps westward, back into the large room where you battled the four Falmer. Climb the stairs to the west and open the door there with the Observatory key. Beyond this, there is another locked door which you cannot open.

When you try to do so, however, you will hear a voice from the other side, and the door will be opened by Paratus Decimius , a Synod member who is expecting Gavros, the dying man you met upon entering the ruin.

Paratus will be suspicious of you; but whatever the course of your conversation, when he finds out that you have the focusing crystal, he will agree to work together with you and ask you to follow him. You will note in your quest journal that you have reached the Oculory and that your plan now is to follow Paratus to investigate further. As he leads you forward, Paratus will explain that the Synod happened on this machine created by the Dwarves for unknown purposes, and that the Synod now intends to try to use it toward some different end.

Ascend a curved ramp along a giant sphere, but be careful not to fall off, as doing so can cause you to become stuck. At the top, Paratus will marvel at the magnificence of the device there and ask you to place the crystal into the central apparatus. When you have done so, the ring will rotate so that the focusing crystal is positioned at the top.

Your objective will become to "Focus the Oculory". You will now have two objective markers, one pointing at the device in the center of the room and another at an elevated control console at the southeast part of the room. You can ask Paratus what to do next. Paratus will indicate that you should direct some fire and frost spells onto the crystal to change the way that it bends the light beams projected by the device.

If you look upward, you will see that the device receives one beam of light vertically, and splits it into three beams projected in various upward directions. The ultimate goal is to converge all of the beams into a pattern that will project an image on the wall below the control console. When the Oculory is correctly focused, Paratus will be initially excited, but then begin to exclaim with distress that there is something wrong.

He will communicate that the map should show more, and speculate that there is some kind of interference coming from Winterhold. He may accuse you of attempting to stall his work and suspiciously ask if you knew what they are trying to do.

Paratus will be looking at a map projected onto the wall under the control console. Speak to him and he will accuse you of trying to sabotage the Synod's efforts and demand that you explain yourself. Whatever the course of the ensuing conversation, Paratus will ask if—or assume that—you have something "powerful" at your college.

He will be suspicious about this and toward you, stating that he will be reporting the information to the Synod Council. You'll learn that the Synod intended to use the device to scan the continent for powerful sources of magic, "for the good of the Empire".

One way or another, Paratus will let you know that the map indicates that the Staff of Magnus is in Labyrinthian. You must now report this information to the Arch-Mage, Savos Aren. You may now take a shortcut exit or return the long way back through the ruin. To take the shortcut, leave the room containing the Oculory. A short distance ahead, just past the barrels in the hallway, there is an exit door to the right. If you turn toward it, Nerien , the Psijic Order member who appeared to you in Saarthal, will visit you again.

He will warn you that you will encounter difficulties ahead, but assure you that you are on the right path and that you will prevail. He will then urge you to return to the College immediately. You will not receive Nerien's visit if you leave through the main entrance, but this will not impact your progress through the quest.

The gate to the room containing the Eye of Magnus is blocked by a barrier that Mirabelle speculates is some kind of ward, and the two of them implicate Ancano in possibly creating it.

They will then begin casting Destruction spells at the barrier in an attempt to destroy it. Defeat it and the key will be in a chest in that room. For the second locked door, the strongest Falmer has a Focusing Crystal on it. There's a guy behind the second locked door that unlocks the door, but you need the focusing crystal for that. User Info: LizzFizz The strongest falmer you killed should have it on him User Info: Narichi.

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