Every member of the SilkRoad Gold academy will be seceded automatically when the academy is disbanded. There is no secede penalty for apprentices. You can not reestablish an academy for 7 days after the disbanding and honor rank and points will be renewed.
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Special items can be purchased with honor points. Exceptions 1. Guardians will be awarded by the apprentice's graduation, only when the registration level of the apprentice was below level If the registration level of the apprentice is above level 31, then the guardian will be receiving no honor points upon the apprentice's graduation but only count will increase.
Guardian Assitant will not be recognized as academy graduate. If apprentice reaches Level 41 without pressing graduate button, Guardian can make compulsion graduation by Guardian UI. Graduate button is activated on Guardian UI After compulsion graduation, guardian and guardian assistant will receive award but no award for apprectice.
Academy Disbandment Only guardian can disband the academy and disbandment is possible after 7 days of establishment. Every members of academy will be seceded automatically when academy is disbanded. You can not reestablish academy within 7 days after the disjoint and honor rank and points will be renewed. Academy Secede Only apprentice and guardian assistant are possible to secede 24 hours after joining academy.
Apprentice can not join other academy within 24 hours after secede from the academy. Guardian Assistant can not join other acadmy within 3 days after secede from the academy and 10 honor points will be taken out. Apprentice Banishment Only guardian can banish apprentice 24 hours after having apprentice. You will get penalty of not getting any apprentice within 24 hours after banishing apprentice and there is no penalty on disallow registeration of apprentice when you banish guardian assistant.
You must not registerred on the guardian system matching window to banish apprentice. If you are registerred on the guardian system matching window banishing apprentice is impossible. If Apprentice reaches Level 40, it will turn into graduate button. Matching window will open when you click matching button. Guardian System suite. Reward Experience Buff Apprentices under a guardian can cumulate additional experience ratio through hunting, and they can share the cumulated experience ration under a buff form.
Through the shared buff, apprentices and guardian can obtain extra experience points when hunting. Cumulated Buff When an apprentice under a guardian starts hunting, a cumulated buff icon will be activated on the top left corner of the screen. Fixed rate of obtained experience points through hunting will be cumulated. For cumulated buff that has passed 24 hours, experience points will not be additionally cumulated. Will be cumulated again after dividing into accumulate buff Cumulate buff will be deactivated when dividing into accumulate buff even before 24 hours.
When you start hunting after tranfering to cumulate buff, new cumulate buff icon is appeared os that you can collect cumulate points when using accumulate points. Guardian cana receive overlapped accumulate buff from all of apprentice.
Accumulate buff will disappear when you all of accumulate buff points. Ranks will be renewed every day at am, server standard time and in case of the same points, rank will be decided by earlier collected points. Additional experience points are awarded by renewed honor grade.
You must receive minimum of 10 points to be ranked on honor rank and even you were ranked on honor rank before, you will be eliminated from the rank if you have less than 10 points because of minus evaluation. Additional experience point award is displayed as buff icon and is overlap applied with similar item and skill.
For example, apprentice who graduated at Level 40 joins an academy of Level 5, then honor points will be If you are joining the academy, then honorpoints will be displayed but if you are not joining the academy, then "not joined" will be displayed. Guardians can purchase honor items with accumulated honor points through the storage NPC. Purchased price of accumulated points will be deducted when purchase occurs.
Only guardians can purchase honor items and can purchase only when you have enough honor points and gold at the same time. Guardian System suite 2. Benefit System Messenger Made for the convenience to academy registered people that shows current online members registeredfor the academy.
Size and transparency of the messenger window can be changed by a slide on right hand top corner. You can chat by clicking on the message input window.
Guardian Matching System Guardians can receive members easily through the guardian matching, and apprentices can search for the academy they wish to join. Guardian's Level, Race, Honor Level, number of graduates under the academy and current apprentice will be displayed. When you click this mark, matching window will pop and you can register to any academy on anytime.
Deaks [ TT ]. Deaks Voir le profil public Trouver plus de messages par Deaks. Liens sociaux. JOL TV. Se souvenir de moi? Pas de compte JOL? Derniers messages. And is there a certain one I should join, or is any of them good? And what exactly does an honor buff do? Is that true, you can buy SOX items with honor points? Sucks having to wait for the academy guardian to log on so you can transfer the buff to him I'll do that then, and John, can I interest you to go to Aege?
I promoted guild to lvl 3, and I already have that fish head ready for lvl 4 pic guild sign its gonna be sweet, just need to get some dedicated botters from here to join, I did pretty much everythi9ng myself and I am trying desperately to get guys from here to go, I wouldn't mind plvling you to whatever you need since I am plvling my low lvl guy I can give some gold to start etc.
Just need some of our guys that are willing to play alot PM me if you want John, I just figured id ask since you play sro, and so does alot of other guys.