A wearisome confused jumble, crude, incondite; endless iterations, long-windedness, entanglement. One might be excused for finding such an argument less than convincing. Beauty as a subjective category cannot provide proof of the claims of divine revelation. All the more so, the claim that it cannot be imitated cannot be substantiated due to the subjective nature of the claim.
It bewitched the heart and caressed the mind. Such an attraction was in the recitation that no man of poetry and letters could resist. In it, he found a wave of tenderness and a spiritual wealth in its meaning, which he had never heard in human speech before.
Nasr, Heart of Islam , Matt holds a Ph. Follow Matt on Twitter. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Please read our privacy policy to find out more. Skip to main content. Time is short. Eternity matters. Help missionaries get to the field. Search form Search this site. Give Contact My Account Locations. Search this site. Reynolds, Emergence of Islam , Henceforth, Muhammad supposed that he was a prophet As a sidenote, the way in which Muhammad was visited by Gabriel and given revelation has a striking similarity to the way in which Joseph Smith was visited by Moroni and also given revelation.
Thus, Islam is not a new faith, but the old faith which needed to be re-established beginning in polytheistic Arabia. It is to be read and memorized. Behind every sacred document is some history. Every text has a history which tells how it came about and was subsequently copied and circulated. The New Testament, for example, has an impressive history which testifies to its divine origin.
After the documents were inspired , they were circulated and hand-copied. There was no one governing body who controlled the distribution or copying of the NT letters. Today, we have thousands of Greek NT manuscripts, which contain everything from a few verses to all 27 books.
Disagreements are minor; bringing no significant doctrine or event of the NT into question. Today, we have NT critical apparatuses e. UBS, Nestle-Aland , produced through painstaking work of rigorous manuscript criticism.
There was then one compilation of the text. Then, there was a revision. Then, all competing manuscripts were destroyed by the order of Uthman ibn Affan, one of the immediate successors of Muhammad. Muhammad had recently died, and in-fighting began as Islam spread into places like Iraq, Armenia, and Afghanistan. But, there were differing manuscripts in existence. So, in an attempt to unite the various provinces, Uthman ordered that all of the existing manuscripts be sent to him.
Instead, he was attempting to unite the newly created Islamic provinces, and create political cohesion. In doing so, he may have united Muslim provinces, but the Muslim text seems to have been compromised. If a text has its origin in God, then it ought to be evidenced as such through textual testimony.
The Berlin Academy of Sciences began the project, called the Corpus Coranicum , in and hope to complete it in The 66 books of the Bible were inspired by the Spirit of God through about 40 different authors from differing times and cultures over a time span of about years.
The most significant biblical events—the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—were recorded by four separate witnesses. Following his resurrection, Christ was seen by over individuals. These central events to the Christian faith were historical in that they occurred and were observed by many. Today, we have this inerrant, God-breathed text called the Bible. The Bible is believed to have been constructed from the lost originals. The oldest complete manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible date from the Middle Ages.
The New Testament has been translated into 1, languages and Bible Protestant Canon in languages. The Bible says that Jesus is the God in flesh. Jesus was crucified according to the Bible. The Bible says that Jesus rose from death. Jesus was the son of God according to the Bible. The Bible guarantees salvation by grace. The Devil is a fallen angel according to the Bible. Man, according to the Bible is a fallen sinner.
The Bible would say that the disciples were Christians. Numerous miracles were recorded according to the Bible. The Bible makes innumerable prophecies. The Bible recommends worship on Sabbath, and then again on Sundays. The Holy Spirit will bear the witness of Jesus according to the Bible. The Quran was revealed over a period of just 23 years.
Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira. Thereafter, he received rest of the revelations over a period of twenty-three years.