Cybersix and Lucas are close friends and share a romantic tension but they never directly admit their true feelings for each other. Although Lucas will occasionally make advances, Cybersix will push back with her concern she's not really human.
Their relationship becomes complicated when Lucas accuses Adrian of seeing Cybersix behind his back, not knowing they are actually the same person. In the comics, because Lucas and Cybersix are not officially dating, Lucas sometimes flirts and sleeps with different women.
He hopes to become serious with her one-day, though, and will cut off women that offends Cybersix. Data 7 and Cybersix have been close since childhood, playing with each other in the fields and later banding together against Von Reichter.
They are able to effectively communicate, often show affection and Data 7 being occasionally protective when she is hurt. In the comics, all of Reichter's creations share a certain connection with each other, with Data 7 and Cybersix sharing a stronger connection than usual. He also seems dependent on his sister for attention and affection, one occasion having him cry when she decides to spend Christmas with Lucas. Cybersix and Lori do not interact much and mainly through the Adrian persona as student and teacher.
When Lori sees Cybersix in Adrian's apartment talking to an out-of-sight Data 7, she assumes the mysterious woman and her teacher are dating and bitterly gossips about it to Lucas, which causes the two friends to drift apart until Lori goes missing. When Cybersix went out to meet Von Reichter, she entrusted Lori with her eyeglasses, effectively telling her and later Lucas that she is Adrian.
When the island blows up, both Lori and Lucas are devastated. Unlike Lucas, she does not know if Cybersix survived or not. Cybersix initially met Julian through her Adrian persona when he stole her wallet one day and through him, is reminded of her deceased brother Cyber and of her lonely life. She feels compassion and also guilt for not being able to save Cyber and sought to redeem herself by saving Julian from a criminal lifestyle at the hands of Orlando.
Cybersix and Julian's overall relationship is that of surrogate brother and sister. Julian regards her as a best friend however in recent episodes, their relationship sort of upgrades to surrogate mother and son, as Cybersix is determined to keep Julian out of harm's way in her later missions.
Julian who is forever grateful of his life being saved, risks his own safety to help her out, whether she likes it or not. In Final Confrontation, he was devastated upon witnessing the living bomb's explosion, as he instinctively believed that Cybersix may have died in it.
The main idea and script for Cybersix came from Eura Editorial in , who wanted a new weekly series consisting of 12 pages, and entrusted Carlos Trillo and Carlos Meglia to create a character. They were given 20 days and a week after submitting the character, the two were set to work on the first chapter. An early idea of Meglia was of a woman who would dress as a man to get into the police department, because her father had been killed, and her patrol partner would be Lucas.
Fellow writer and friend of Trillo, Guillermo Saccomanno, came up with the title for the story, " Black Baby. One particular true story was included in the introduction of the first chapter of the comic; in , Elsa and Mario Rios died in a plane crash in Chile, leaving behind 2 frozen embryos in Australia, causing an international controversy and raising moral and legal issues in regards of what should be done with them.
They were ultimately destroyed. Cybersix Wiki Explore. It seemed to have been marketed to young boys, for some reason, though I think it would've been nice to bill it as an empowerment tool for young girls.
Animated or live, I'm not picky. Ivanhoe 19 February As far as I know, Cybersix is not based on a comic book. But the makers of Cybersix have created a rich and intricate world that is as ingenious and exciting as those of Superman and Batman.
Cybersix is a mysterious fembot in a tight leather suit and an extremely large cape who is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
She has a sidekick Dataseven, a black panther, who helps her fight the terror of an evil man, whose evil ploys are carried out by his pre-pubescent, bumbling, but equally evil son, and an army of Frankensteinesque goons. While I admit this all sounds rather silly, the story is actually quite engrossing, and the quality of the animation is second to none. It is also very family-friendly. A ten-year-old could follow the story, but it doesn't patronize its younger audience; and a forty-year-old could appreciate the story without its feeling watered-down.
All in all, Cybersix is one of the best superheroes television has ever seen. Unfortunately, as of this writing, it is not available in the U. If you're ever in Canada, definitely check it out on Teletoon.
Cybersix had that touch of light heartedness which was enjoyable to watch. It was really unfortunate that the series had to end with just one season. It felt like so many things were left unexplored, and it could have easily become an adult animation show by just taking the plot elements a notch up. I wish the series get a reboot in the future. Smile 17 November Sensational animation As an animation junkie, I was pleased as punch to find the show "Cybersix" on Canada's Teletoon station The work on "Cybersix" is better.
The characters move with a fluidity and grace that I've hardly seen in any animation, American or otherwise. If the scripts were half the equal of the animation, it would be one of the best shows ever put to video.
Yeah, the scripts are pretty weak. The story is very hard to understand, but that's what's to be expected when you deal with so many bizarre characters. They include the son of a famous super-villain, a reporter, a black panther, a homeless child, and the hero, Cybersix, who apparently owes her superpowers to the fact that she's a robot.
Check it out. I came across a Cybersix promo by chance one night while browsing through tv channels. It's nice to see a female hero with her own cartoon, instead of her being just a sidekick or contemporary of a male superhero. Despite the fact that she wears a form fitting black rubber outfit and stilettos to fight evil, she's portrayed as athletic instead of sexy.
Somehow by just wearing a man's clothes, flicking her hair back and putting on a pair of glasses she upholds her gender bending masquerade by day.
Lucas is either too wrapped up in his own little world to notice that Cybersix and Adrian look strangely alike, or he's the dumbest biology professor I've ever seen. I've never even heard of this super-heroine before so naturally my opinions were being formed as I watched. My first impression was confusion and some disdain for the character.
I did not understand until around halfway through the series exactly what Cybersix was The costume she wears looks like a cheap rip-off of Spawn's own, complete with the flared satanic hood and cape.
And what kind of super hero wears stiletto heels? Would be rather hard fighting the bad guys while wearing them, wouldn't it? The animation is breath-taking, the stories when they were good The self-conflict Cybersix bears alone within herself is touching without going to the point of being sappy. You can't help but cheer for this character when she knocks down a villian with a good punch, and can't help but feel sorry for her when she struggles and stumbles while attempting to find humanity and love.
Now, my praise for the series also comes with some criticism. First of all, the series assumes you know about Cybersix's origin. If you are not familar with her origin, like myself, you are going to be confused at first. You will not know what a Techno or Sustenance is because it is not explained in the series.
I had to go on the World Wide Web and view a few home pages about Cybersix to make up for the lack of information. Second of all is the mix of good and bad episodes. I did mention the series had great animation, but it looks like they cut a few corners in some cases. One glaring one is a violation of gender anatomy.
My true self must not be exposed to the world. I can entertain myself. I am an intelligent man or woman. I just can't do anything right. My method of combat is backstabbing. I make all the boys or girls do the work for me, using my charm. I care about my family more than anything else. I can detect bull- quite well. Everyday, I pray that I was in another body.
My crush never notices me. I'd like to be a soldier who fights for what's right. I would be a celebrity, to have influence over many unwilling fans.
Reporters get to show the world the truth. I want to be the most powerful politician! A hacker seems like the best job suited for me, because I love anonymity. I would enjoy long days at the lab, searching for miracles that will help our mission. Teachers can lead many young minds in the right direction, and learn about human development along the way.
I'd like to be so famous, and bold, that nobody would reject me. If I were an artist, I could express how I truly feel inside. Private detectives can get to the root of every problem. I don't know. A performer, perhaps. That way I can make people laugh. I prefer trees, thank you.
I want it to look the most like nature as it can. I'm going to enjoy this if I can have tons of highly scientific devices, and humans, preferably twins.
Anything will go, as long as the man or woman of my dreams is with me. Is there a possibility of getting huge physical puzzles for me to solve?