Who invented pillars

There's really no difference between a column and a pillar, certainly not from a structural point of view. It's all about compression. Undoubtedly, stone columns evolved out of wooden columns all of which have been lost to time. Variations in capitols among different civilizations is basically just decorative - their only role is to transfer load from a horizontal member - beam - to the vertical colum, The capitols were intended to hold or retain the beam, a pretty mundane task.

The great Philadelphia architect Louis Khan famously said, "The joint is the beginning of decoration" which goes some way to explaining why the joint between column and beam was celebrated.

Yes, of course from a structural point of view they perform the same function except with modern materials like steel or reinforced concrete which also can withstand bending efforts , but if we're going to adress the subject in the OT properly, I think that we should use the proper terms and concepts.

If I'd done so when in college my teachers would have been quick to correct it. That said, a capitol also performs up to a certain point a structural task by helping distribute the shear strength evenly at the top of the pillar avoiding dangerous concentrations at the extreme of beams. And the same can be said for the bases of columns, in this case with compression efforts.

Here you have a textbook example of a concrete pillar with a capitol in a well known modernist building:. Similar History Discussions History Forum Date Were people able to see clearly underwater before goggles were invented and became widely available?

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Mid Modern History Mar 22, Columns, or at least large structural exterior ones, became much less significant in the architecture of the Middle Ages, and the classical forms were abandoned in both Byzantine architecture and the Romanesque and Gothic architecture or Europe in favor of more flexible forms, with capitals often using various types of foliage decoration, and in the West scenes with figures carved in relief.

Renaissance architecture was keen to revive the classical vocabulary and styles, and the informed use and variation of the classical orders remained fundamental to the training of architects throughout Baroque, Rococo and Neo-classical architecture. A brief history on columns pillars All major Iron Age civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean made some use of columns. Many of the ancient Persian columns are still standing, some are more than 98 feet tall The Egyptians, Persians and other civilizations mostly used columns for the practical purpose of holding up the roof inside a building, preferring outside walls to be decorated with reliefs or painting, but the Ancient Greeks, followed by the Romans, loved to use them on the outside as well, and the extensive use of columns on the interior and exterior of buildings is one of the most characteristic features of classical architecture, in buildings like the Parthenon.

This Basilica uses one of the more popular forms of Colossal order. The Tuscan order is one of the more simple and least intricate types of columns created by the Romans. The design of a Tuscan column is very plain, with a simple shaft, capital, frieze, and base. The design of the Tuscan order was inspired by that of the Doric order created by the ancient Greeks, who predated the ancient Romans.

The unfluted shaft and simple capital help to characterize the Tuscan order. The capital of a Tuscan column consists of an echinus and abacus. This structure is typically smaller than the Doric builds, and is quite plain compared to its Greek and Roman counterparts. Tuscan columns typically stand at seven meters high. These structures are said to be the strongest and most solid of the ancient Roman columns.

The Composite order consists of a blend of different orders. A composite column combines the volutes the characteristic scrolls of the Ionic column and the leaves of the Corinthian column. Instead, the Composite order was considered a subtype of the Corinthian order. Composite orders consist of structures that stand at ten meters high. Originally established by the Greeks, Doric columns were also widely used by the ancient Romans.

Ancient Romans made modifications to this order to suit their own style and tastes. The biggest difference between Roman Doric columns and Greek Doric columns is that the Roman columns focused on decoration, where the Greeks mostly used their Doric columns to add support to their buildings.

Given how Doric columns were some of the plainest orders of entablature, these were the last type used by the Romans. The scrolls of the Ionic order are what give them their unique appearance. Originally created by the Asiatic Greeks, Ionic columns were used in mainland Greece during the 5th century.

Taller than Doric columns, Ionic columns include an entasis, a curvature on the column surface that is used solely for decorative purposes. The Corinthian style used by the Romans was ostentatious, yet also had many elegant qualities.

Some of the most prominent features of the Corinthian order include decorations of acanthus leaves, foliage, and various types of flowers. Of all of the column types, the Corinthian style is by far the most decorative. Similar to the Ionic order, Corinthian columns also have an entasis. Given their artistic qualities and gorgeous elegance, ancient Romans used Corinthian columns quite often.

Egyptian columns show a much resemblance to Greek and Roman columns, but they include their own styles and unique qualities. When people think of Egyptian architecture, they might think about the pyramids and the form of Lotus and Papyrus style columns, but there are also many other Egyptian columns to consider. A big difference between Egyptian columns and Greek columns is the fact that Egyptians based the designs and decorations on their columns off the appearance of local plants.

For example, many ancient Egyptian columns resemble tree trunks or stems. As Egyptian builders became more knowledgeable and experienced with building, they began to experience with other forms of columns. The first form of the fluted column was built in the Step Pyramid enclosure of Djoser , but the New Kingdom brought new forms that made the fluted type become less and less popular.

The idea of a fluted column is to resemble bundled reeds and plant stems. These columns are extremely old, and they are actually believed to be the very first columns made from stone in the entire world. The palmiform column was another early type of column used in Egypt. These were one of the earliest styles widely used in the architecture of Egyptian temples. A popular example of this type of column is found in the Fifth Dynasty pyramid mortuary complex of Unas.

However, after that period, these columns fell out of fashion and out of use. The best examples of the palmiform column can be found at the Taharga temple in Kawa in Upper Nubia, and in some temples that date all the way back to the Graeco-Roman Period. Papyriform columns can be found in several different variations. Some of these columns have circular shafts that resemble a single plant, while others have ribbed shafts that represent a papyrus plant with multiple stems.

Papyriform column capitals are usually a design of closed buds, or open in a wide form. The bases of papyriform columns are decorated with triangular patterns. This type of column was used primarily during the New Kingdom era in ancient Egypt.

The designs of the papyriform order represented stylized stem sheaths. Rather, they are incorporated with other structures. Additionally, the style seemed to never be used again in a revival of any kind later on. The Coneiform style consists of a fluted shaft with a capital that resembles the branches of a conifer tree.

These are simple columns, but their thickness and tree-like abilities made them very useful in building. The known forms of tent pole columns are made out of brick or stone, though the brick type seems to be the rarer of the two.

Tent pole columns were designed to represent wooden poles, which were used to support light structures like tents, shrines, kiosks, and ship cabins. The campaniform column style was a blend of different variations of Egyptian column architecture. While some of these columns took the shape of a floral column or pillar, others had circular or square shafts.

However, all of the campaniform columns seemed to have a flower -shaped capital. Two types of columns were used in the construction of this building.

One of the column architecture styles represented the heraldic plant of northern Egypt, papyrus, while the other resembled the symbolic plant of southern Egypt, the lotus. These symbols were strategically placed on the northern and southern sides of the hall. Symbolic placement was common throughout Egyptian architecture. Both of these types of columns were rare, but their forms appeared more often in the Graeco-Raman period than any other.

Composite columns were primarily used during the Graeco-Raman period. These columns consisted of an extension of the Campaniform column decorations, and included designs that resembled flowers and other real or imagined plants.

Composite columns were extremely stylistic and quite decorative. Given their artistic qualities and impeccable detail, there were various forms of composite columns. This column style evolved over the years, and began to look very different once it made its way into Greece and Rome and use by the residents in those places.

Although plant-style columns were the most popular types in Egypt, non-plant style columns were also constructed in different variations.


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