Why is the term handicapped offensive

It provides quotations from written sources of the earliest known uses of terms. It carefully distinguishes between the earliest meanings and later derived meanings, using quotations to illustrate each. The earliest use of the term handicap is from a quotation dated The definition for this use is this: "The name of a kind of sport having an element of chance in it, in which one person challenged some article belonging to another, for which he offered something of his own in exchange.

The sport itself is seen in reports as early as the fourteenth century. Only the term handicap was new in the seventeenth century. The original sport was a trading game, involving two traders and an umpire or matchmaker. Each of the two traders offered a particular item for trade, and also put up a small sum of forfeit-money into a hat or cap. The 14th century example from Peirs Plowman involved the trade of a cloak for a hood. The umpire of the game decides on the difference in value between the two trading items.

This difference is called the "boot" or "odds. He would propose that the cloak be traded for the hood plus the boot of six pence. The tricky part of the game is that each trader has the choice of accepting or rejecting the umpire's proposal.

The traders' decisions determine what happens to the forfeit money. Both traders put their hands into the cap, and draw them out at the same time. An open hand is an agreement to trade and a closed hand is a refusal to trade. If both traders make the same decision either to accept or reject the trade , then the umpire takes the forfeit money. If one trader refuses and the other agrees, the trader who agrees takes the forfeit money. The umpire is left with nothing, and the refusing trader loses his forfeit money.

This game was called handy-capp or handicap, apparently from the fact that both traders put their hands in the cap and removed them to indicate their willingness to trade. Notice the game is called handicap. The difference in value is called the boot or the odds.

Notice also that the game is designed to reward the umpire's fairness in judging the boot. The umpire wins the forfeit money if both players agree to its fairness. If both reject the trade, the traders would never have agreed to any trade, and the umpire is rewarded for the traders' stubbornness. It is too often used as a slang word to describe something that is stupid or idiotic, and it makes sense that no human would want to be referred to as stupid.

Which means, it should no longer be socially acceptable was it ever? Calling someone a victim of a certain ailment is considered demeaning.

How would you get around? A wheelchair, probably, because without a wheelchair, you would be bound to your home. They are enabling and allow people to have independence and freedom. They increase accessibility and allow for opportunity. While all of these words are universally unaccepted in the disability community, different people prefer different terminology.

Every person is unique. And throw in a smile, because why not? When referring to these disabilities, avoid using hidden, as it has negative connotations, implying purposeful concealment or shame. However, accommodation suggests doing a favor for the person who has a disability.

An accommodation is a workplace or work-process modification made to enable an employee to be more productive. It is necessary and not a preference or privilege. The terms adjustment and modification capture this idea without suggesting a favor or special treatment, so are preferable whenever specific legal terminology is not required.

Never use victim or hero language; describe situations in a straightforward way. Knowing that some people are offended by these terms, I feel strongly that the most inclusive course is to avoid them and adopt a vocabulary that feels respectful to everyone. As champions of diversity, we have the opportunity—and the responsibility—to set standards for how our people, organizations and society speak and think about people with disabilities.

By shifting our language, we can help shift perceptions and promote the culture of inclusion that is the backbone of healthy diversity in all aspects of life. The Department of Justice has hit San Francisco ride-share giant Uber with a new lawsuit, alleging the added fees it charges disabled passengers to get in or out of a vehicle is a form of illegal discrimination.

In a tragic benchmark of hate, the murder of Black transgender woman Marquiisha Lawrence in Greenville, South Carolina, has made the deadliest year for transgender individuals. Leading multinational financial services company Wells Fargo No.


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