Why is volume locked on mac

You may also want to reset SMC. Make sure that you are running the latest version of macOS. And if there is an update available, follow the onscreen instructions. If you are still having this problem, you may want to contact Apple Support.

You may have a hardware problem, you may need to make an appointment at an Apple Store. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director. Here is his LinkedIn profile. Please note the following: All comments are moderated. Your email will NOT be published nor shared. All SPAM comments will be deleted. Please see our comment policy page for more info. Internal speakers on MacBook Pro running Safari Running the same video with Chrome and the volume is normal. Seems like the problem is with Safari, not the OS.

Strange sound problem I have is that I have external speakers that behave oddly with High Sierra. Often, with any applications that play movie or sound, if I adjust the time in a movie, the sound will cut out. What I mean is if I move the progress indicater on any movie or sound application even in YouTube , there is a chance that after I move the indicator, the sound will cut out completely. I can reach back and unplug and plug in the external speakers and that fixes it every time but it is annoying.

Viewed k times. Thanks so much in advance for any help!! Improve this question. Does the headphones jack works?

Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Thanks it solves my problem. I had to switch from M to Internal Speakers. I accidentally solved it by doing the following: Make sure your headphones are plugged in and sound is working. Alt-click the speaker icon at the top of the screen, then click on 'Sound Preferences'.

On the sound preferences screen, unplug your headphones. Marc Marc 31 1 1 bronze badge. I tried everything up to including a PRAM reset and nothing worked. Took it to the company tech and after awhile he figured out what was wrong. Jay Yaskiw Jay Yaskiw 21 1 1 bronze badge. I just blew into the headphone jack - problem solved! This works until you plug and unplug your headset — lomse. Lyle Lyle 59 3 3 bronze badges. Welcome to Ask Different!

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