Why my baby squints

Treatment is usually recommended to correct a squint, as it's unlikely to get better on its own and it could cause further problems if not treated early on. A GP, health visitor or local opticians service can refer you to an eye specialist for some simple tests and treatment if necessary. If your child has a lazy eye as a result of their squint it may need to be treated first.

Treatment for a lazy eye usually involves wearing a patch over the unaffected eye to help improve vision in the affected eye. Most kids with strabismus are diagnosed when they're between 1 and 4 years old.

Rarely, a child might develop strabismus after age 6. If this happens, it's important for the child to see a doctor right away to rule out other conditions.

Most kids with strabismus don't complain of eye problems or notice changes in their vision. Usually, it's a family member, teacher, or health care provider who notices that the eyes are not straight. Some kids may complain of double vision seeing two objects when there's only one in view or have trouble seeing things in general.

These problems also can affect reading skills and classroom learning. Younger kids who aren't talking yet may squint a lot and turn or tilt their heads in an attempt to see more clearly. If your child has any of these signs or symptoms, tell your health care provider.

He or she can refer you to a pediatric ophthalmologist for care, if needed. It's normal for a newborn's eyes to wander or cross occasionally during the first few months of life.

But by the time a baby is 4 to 6 months old, the eyes usually straighten out. If one or both eyes continue to wander in, out, up, or down — even once in a while — it's probably due to strabismus. The earlier strabismus is treated, the better. Newborn babies sometimes look like this from time to time, but this usually sorts itself out when they gain more muscle control, which is about six months.

Some squints are obvious in babies, and other squints show up later in childhood. They might come and go at first, and then become more constant over time. A squint can lead to problems with vision, particularly in young children. See your GP to get a referral to an ophthalmologist , or go to an optometrist. Squint treatment aims to give good vision in both eyes , as well as straightening the eyes. Starts to return your smile 2 months Recognises your face.

Follows moving objects easily 4 months Can focus on toys. Eyes should be straight at all times and move freely in all directions 12 months Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger Up to 7 years old Sharp vision continues to develop. Development of 3D vision My baby looks cross-eyed. Any eye turn that continues beyond this age, even if it comes and goes, should be checked by your doctor.

This can be more obvious when your baby looks to the side. As their face grows, this cross-eyed appearance will disappear. It can be very confusing to know if an eye turn is really there.

You should mention any family history of eye problems to your Health Nurse or doctor as this can also be very important. It is important to have your child examined promptly by your doctor. Read more information about eye turns in children. They occur because of the way light is being reflected in the eye. White pupils can sometimes appear in photographs taken with a smartphone or can be caused by the angle at which the photo is taken.

If you have taken a photograph of your child and you see a white pupil, follow these instructions first. If you still see the white pupil or any abnormality you are concerned about, make an appointment to see your GP and show the photos you have taken.


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