Here is a link to the HSE Government guidelines that state you can carry 20 Litres if it is stored in a steel can and 10 litres if stored in a plastic container. Your email address will not be published. Are Steel Jerrycans legal for carriage and storage of fuel? Are Plastic fuel cans legal for carriage and storage of fuel?
Is it legal to fill up a Steel or plastic Jerrycan at the petrol station? What is the law concerning fuel cans? How much fuel can you carry in your vehicle? How much fuel can I store at home? The Law There is no consistent law surrounding fuel storage and there is currently no International, European or British Standard for the storage of petrol in metal containers.
Petrol Station Etiquette - Will they allow it? Getting ready to Rally! The Severn Stages Rally July 5, at am Reply. February 8, at am Reply. Jen Graves says: What about work vans? January 17, at pm Reply. January 20, at am Reply. Liquid Containment says: Thanks for sharing the information!! December 19, at am Reply. Aris Reyes says: My question is about the refilling the jerry can. November 25, at pm Reply. July 19, at pm Reply. Alan says: I witnessed someone filling twelve or fifteen I lost count as he was loading them 20l jerrycans and loading them into an estate car at my local shell garage a few days ago.
June 12, at pm Reply. June 14, at am Reply. Richard says: Hi, the following is text from the HSE website, does this mean I can store petrol at home, but not actually use it? March 8, at pm Reply. George says: I had the same question. Anyone know the answer?? June 2, at pm Reply. June 3, at am Reply. George says: Thanks for taking the time to follow this up. June 4, at pm Reply. January 30, at pm Reply. January 31, at pm Reply. January 28, at pm Reply. January 29, at pm Reply.
Keith a redpath says: For the fist time in my life my local Tesco station tuned off the pump when I had filled 2. January 26, at pm Reply.
January 27, at pm Reply. Keith a redpath says: I thank you for your feedback and hope you can possibly get a definite answer from government or garages. Steve says: Nope, the law states the max number of 5 litre cans you can carry is 2. June 1, at am Reply. June 1, at pm Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search for:. No products in the basket. This website uses cookies to improve your experience.
You can opt-out if you wish. Interesting thought I carry a lockable Jerry can full of diesel in the engine room as an emergency supply. Is that a BSS fail? Jerry cans do rust. I once nearly had a disaster while using a pertol blowtorch to solder ends on electic cables.
While fitting the ends on the hot solderd wire I place the blowtorch on the steel floor. A moments innatention and it could have killed me. Top grade plastic fuel cans rule ok. Storage of fuel at home or the workplace unless specifically licensed is restricted by law to either metal containers with a maximum capacity of 10 litres or approved plastic containers of a maximum 5 litres capacity.
These containers should be designed for the purpose and must be fitted with a screw cap or closure to prevent leakage of liquid or vapour. Petrol and diesel fuel should be stored in no more than two 10 litre metal containers or two 5 litre plastic containers.
They should be clearly labeled as to their contents. Petrol filling stations operate under license conditions, which do not allow drivers to dispense fuel into other types of container.
I believe although I cannot at the moment find the document that the maximum fuel that can be transported in a vehicle is 15 litres obviously excluding the tank contents. Which is maybe why the AA patrol vans carry 2x 5 litre cans of petrol and 1x 5 litre can of diesel. A jerrycan is a robust fuel container made from pressed steel. It was designed in Germany in the s for military use to hold 20 L 4. You have a "Hoover", it is made by Electrolux - you do not have a 'Hoover' you have an Electrolux Vacuum cleaner.
It is an old fashioned bit of kit, made out of strong pressed metal and designed in Germany back in the s. Whilst the original Jerry can may have been designed to hold 20 litres, they were also sold in this country for years holding nine gallons, and were still referred to as "Jerry cans".
Fortunately they have stopped using them on outboard motors. The seams rust through and you don't know about it until its too late. I haven't had this happen personally but I have seen a metal outboard motor tank rusted right through. I do sometimes. The business men stand filling their company car up with one hand, whilst speaking as loudly as possible into their mobile with the other. Quite often the person they are talking to is called "Dave" which must be said as many times as possible in the same sentence.
I wonder if they are all talking to the same guy? Certainly vehicle tanks have been constructed from plastics for many years.
I am not qualified to say which is safest though. Isn't there a term for a commercial product that so dominates a market for a while that the name becomes generic?
I assume the petrol companies and their insurers see the position somewhat differently. I am no expert on such matters, but assume that when it says, "no smoking" "no mobile phones" "no anything else" there is a reason for it and I tend to obey, just as it says "do not walk on the grass" in the local park, so I don't. Whether there is a good reason for it is a different matter, but just like obeying forum rules, you can be asked to leave if you don't obey the rules of the premises.
Fair enough a different opinion. I still question why people think they are above the rules of the premises though. Some forum rules are questionable, though I do try to adhere to them. I do know that when we used to contract at the oil refineries, that mobile phones were just taking off and we weren't allowed to use them on site.
Same at UKF fertilizers. That position may be very different today of course. We were also not allowed petrol vehicles on site, and all power tools had to be PAT tested before we used them. Again things may have changed now. Stupid phone. Thanks for all the replies. Looks like my steel fuel cans are OK in principle The Fire Brigade say if you're stopped by the police, carrying fuel in cans could possibly be seen as "a dangerous or hazardous load".
The AA also say they are "desperately worried" about people storing petrol and diesel which it describes as "incredibly, incredibly dangerous". The AA recommends people "shouldn't even contemplate storing it at all". However, it is not illegal to store fuel at home as long as you stick to the set limits. The Health and Safety Executive says you can legally store 30 litres of petrol at your home but there are strict guidelines about how and where you should put it, because fuel is highly flammable.
Your view: Petrol price petition. Newsbeat listeners on Libya fight. Do you drive slower to save cash? Fuel prices: Your Facebook views. Petroleum - Fire and explosion. Image source, Other. The correct cans to use are plastic five-litres and metal litres.