In the breaking of compound words that already have a hyphen; you break only at the point where the hyphen initially is. For example, in words like mass-produced, self-conscious, it is appropriate to break them at the hyphenated spots.
The hyphen is frequently used in writing double-barrelled names. Double-barrelled names consist of two family names that have been put together. Double-barrelled names are quite popular in the Western tradition. However, some individuals with such names prefer to omit the hyphen.
Above all, in determining whether a word should be hyphenated or not, strive for clarity. Ensure not to use a hyphen unless it is necessary. Where possible, follow conventional usage. On this last point, consult a reliable dictionary; Collins or Longman is recommended.
Since the conservative Chambers and Oxford dictionaries frequently show hyphens, they would not be good options for this purpose. If you check up the New York Times Bestsellers notification list, you will realize that the word nonfiction is never hyphenated. Does it matter? I think it does. It intrinsically implies that the name for this genre non-fiction makes no sense. The conventional grammatical rules for when-to-hyphenate vs. But then, the only reason why you should hyphenate the prefix is when the attachment of it creates an awkward double vowel or consonant in the middle of the word as in non-native vs.
Since that awkward doubling does not occur in nonfiction , I think grammatically, hyphenating the word nonfiction looks improper and unnecessary. Many people use it without the hyphen. Also, the origin of the word makes the hyphenated version sound ridiculous.
The major focus is your writing style and quality of the book. Your email address will not be published. Adazing Menu Skip to content. Graphic Novel: Read This What Is Hyphen Called?
Test your vocabulary with our question quiz! Love words? Need even more definitions? Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms The same, but different. Merriam-Webster's Words of the Week - Nov. Ask the Editors 'Everyday' vs. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? How 'literally' can mean "figuratively". Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice?
The awkward case of 'his or her'. Take the quiz. But soon after starting a nonfiction blog last fall I decided to settle on the simple form. The hyphen makes it seem like an unstable construction. I think "nonfiction" looks more like a finished word. Strictly from an LT use perspective: with the advanced search tools for searching one's own library, the hyphen caused me some trouble. I don't remember what it was, exactly, but I know that it made me switch to 'nonfiction' word even though I prefer 'non-fiction'.
I prefer "non-fiction. It seems to declare it is not fiction. Okay, that's not a great reason, but I still prefer the hyphenated form. I tend to go by stress patterns.
If I could imagine saying "nonfiction" with only one stressed syllable I'd write it without a hyphen. But I think more important than the "which is correct? I certainly don't like the idea of some distant "authority" giving me a short list of permitted terms to use, but half of us using the hyphenated form and half of us the non-hyphenated in our tags make searching and browsing more difficult.
My ideal and unrealistic scenario is that we would have had this debate in the very early days of LibraryThing and settled on a standard. Other tags are a lot more colorful, specific, and fun. Durick May 15, , am. I've been meaning to read this thread ever since I came upon the group; now that it has been marked dormant, I feel a duty to respond. I am usually a prig about these things and would defer to Noah Webster or the folks over at The American Heritage Dictionary.
In this case, it doesn't matter to me. I'm a school librarian. As a librarian, I use nonfiction and that's how I teach the kids to write it. Personally, I could give a rat's patooty, as long as they're reading!!! OK, I "get" that standardized spelling is a boon to rapid reading and may improve clarity, but one of the nice things about standards is that there are so many of them.
Scout's honour honor? So what's the objection to standardizing on non-fiction or nonfiction, either way, no prejudice? As opposed to nonfixion or non-fikshun, or whatever? If one is to be preferred over the other, what criteria would we want to use to decide which one is "better"? Group: Non-Fiction Readers 3, members 11, messages. About This topic is not marked as primarily about any work, author or other topic. Touchstones Works Authors John E.
Warriner and Francis Griffith.