How do you think sherlock survived

That's really helpful! Or ideas. Sorry, but no one will convince me that he isn't dead. Unless he miraculously shows himself to me proving that he is. And that is highly unlikely. Anyway, I've pondered this. And I've often thought about how close The Doctor and Sherlock are. Even though they've never met, they're like identical twins seperated at birth and flung off into different corners of the universe.

But anyway for those of you who've seen the Eleventh Doctor episodes, particularly The Wedding of River Song, this is for you. Remember that The Doctor decided to go and see the Tessellecta before he was going to die? The Tessellecta, as you may or may not know, are a bunch of people fit into a tiny spaceship through something like a shrink ray. If you want to think of it like that. But it's nothing at all like a shrink ray.

The robot is programmed to take the form of anyone. Tessel-like tesselation. Putting something together with different pieces. And that's what the robot does. And thus it takes form of The Doctor while the real Doctor is inside it. MY theory is that secretly, Sherlock knew The Doctor and knew he was going to die.

And he isn't dead. I know, I'm loony. My real theory is that when the people took him away, once everyone was out of viewing range, Sherlock jumped up from the thing I can't think of what it's called and ran back into St. My friend thinks he used blood capsules for his blood. But I know he's dead.

Like I said unless he shows up alive, I won't believe he isn't. Wow, that's mind- blowing! Arien01 posted over a year ago. Thank you. I try. I know I can never be as good as Sherlock was, but still I make an effort. He was right. You can live your life so much easier without emotion. Hiding 4 comments I wish I had such powerful intellect as you! Nijis posted over a year ago. Do you know you do that out loud? Oh, and also just a thought, but I think it was one of Sherlock's Homeless Network who rammed into John.

That way, while John was down, Sherlock could have done whatever it was he did. Gotten up. Got Molly to switch the bodies. Jumped in through one of the windows. Or ran into the front of the building. You may have caught up to this. But he appears in the last scene of series two. And it's been confirmed that he and John reunite in series three episode one.

I'm sorry if you've already read the spoilers or whatever, just please don't bite my head off. This last bit would only be possible if sherlock took the drug that simulates death.

Also, I dont think that the body of Jim Moriarty is ever discussed after his death. The books offer no bodies at the end of Richenbach Falls, which, in many detective novels, means some one is still alive. At the end of the episode while sherlock is being put on a stretcher, there is an airial shot of the scene. In the shot, there are a few obvious shadowy areas for some one to hide but still watch the what's going on.

Anyway, the true answer is probably nothing that I have written and I therefore offer nothing more than observations and inconclusive ideas. Then Molly remember he asked her for a favor earlier , put a corpse that looked like Sherlock, from the morgue, with blood and everything.

You'll notice if you watch it again, that they never quite show his face clearly. The doctors and other people wouldn't be able to properly identify him.

Earlier in he episode, the little girl sherlock saves from the "hansel and gretel" situation screams when she sees his face at the police station.

I believe that, like Irene adler had a double of her body made with the head "mashed up" says molly , moriarty had a double made of sherlock to perform the kidnapping. Moriarty can't have 2 sherlock's walking around, so he kills the double after the kidnapping is over. All dead bodies go to Molly's workplace, but obviously she's not the only one that works there, so she doesn't see it first hand, but after sherlock had figured everything out and knows what's going to happen, he tells Molly that he needs her, and while the camera cuts away I'm sure sherlock showed her the dead body of his double.

Back to sherlock on the roof, he jumps, landing in the laundry truck that pulls up. He slowed his speed by flailing and opening his jacket so that he wouldn't be injured. Sherlock rolls the dead body double with some fresh blood he has also taken from the morgue on it's face to the approximate position it would have fallen, which is why when we see the body on the ground it rolls instead of just falling flat.

This all happens when John is clipped by the biker, disoriented and confused. I wrote this out in class Sueycoo said: Sherlock survived by using a magic trick called sleight of hand, or in this case sleight of body. All the gun men had to see, was a body with dark brown curly hair, and a darker shade of tardis blue, or for you non whovians, navy blue overcoat. When "Sherlock" was falling, he was falling pretty fast so it wouldn't be hard to have Molly do plastic surgery or something on a cadaver to make it look like sherlock and if it was falling fast, or if someone had been hit in the head, you couldnt tell the difference.

Yet, if Sherlock does actually fall, he doesn't actually fall on the ground, he falls on a truck with an open back, which could be covered in extremely soft material.

Then a body is placed, as john is hit by a byciclist, on the ground and covered in "blood," So, Molly places the body behind the truck, runs back inside, gets nurses to run back outside with her, then the truck moves, John gets up and runs to the sidewalk where nurses are bending over a body. When the truck with Sherlock in the back, moves so people couldn't look for him and find him.

If you put a bouncy ball under your armpit, it stops your pulse. Also Sherlock says "keep your eyes on me" so Watson doesn't look at the ground. When Watson is knocked to the ground, he could have gotten away. When Sherlock falls, all these people rush around him, and his biker happens to disorient John for a minute. During this time, he loses vision of Sherlock, which would be the time when Sherlock could do something Sherlocky.

It's entirely possible that the crowd that surrounded him were in on the plan, as was the biker. Sherlock gets help from her, and then she disappears. I'm positive she is involved, perhaps she set up the mob of people around Sherlock, or had some other sneaky thing going on. Sherlock made it clear she was important, so who am I to argue with him? Go watch it again. When he packs up his gun, you see his hair, and it looks like Sherlock hair.

Just putting those things out there. Molly throws a dead body that has been made to look like Sherlock from the window right where he 'lands'. WE get no clear shots of his face and John must of been in shock.

The van was full of sacks that I think was full of red liquid for the blood. They would have plenty of time coz John gets delayed by the bike. I don't actually have a theory, and what I do have is just the same as what everyone else has. I know that Molly helps somehow - personally, I think it was her that called John to tell her that the paramedics were taking Mrs. Here are my problems with the rest of the theories: 1 First and foremost: The sniper.

The sniper has a clear view of John on the pavement, and knew possibly by having a view of the rooftop as well that Moriarty was dead, prompting him into action. If the sniper had been able to see, at the very least, the landing site, he would have been able to see any body switching or funny business which would have caused him to shoot John.

So whatever he did, he convinced the sniper that he was dead. Sherlock jumps straight down - there is no indication that he launched himself past the sidewalk and onto the truck although the truck is quite suspicious, I don't have any concrete ideas. I DO notice, as someone else said, that he seems to be trying to slow his fall.

So it is possible, I guess that he just jumped and survived. Molly then could have checked him, found him alive, and keep his secret. Or something. He definitely knew he was going to die, because the told Molly; but did he know HOW? He couldn't have known that Moriarty was going to kill himself; so he didn't know he would have to commit suicide.

I think he just knew that Moriarty was going to try to kill him. Conclusion: Molly called John to pull him away. He actually jumps, and just does what he can to try to soften the blow. As for the truck and the cyclist, I don't know their roles.

Could be Red Herrings. Would it be possible that he actually died and. He WAS in front of a hospital. That's all I got. Just wanted to put it out there. As for the positioning, he could have just wanted John to stay out of the way so he wouldn't have to see the splat. After he gets up we see from his P.

At this point Watson has just hit his head very forcefully, and we already know that his sight is compromised. He expects to see Sherlock dead, so he does. There is no other reason to put in that scene with the bicycle. Mix a hit on the head with extreme grief and voila.

None of those people on the ground knew who he was at the time that he fell. No one had enough time to comprehend that is was in fact Sherlock Holmes the almost famous detective. Oh no, you say, they would have recognized him, no.

But once you keep asking and saying.. One might start to doubt himself. Enough with real facts, this is fiction we are talking about anyhow. Now there is the problem of the corpse. Sherlock talked to Molly beforehand saying that he needed her help. At this point he says that he knows he is going to die. No sir. There is so much more where do I stop.

I am sure someone has said this before a dozen times but oh well I feel like a right genius so goodbye and goodnight thank you. Also considering the hallucinogen used in the Baskerville case.

Richenbach, which Sherlock says is Richard Brook in German. Richard brook being the name Moriarty takes as his new identity. So, essentially the title is The 'Richard Brook' fall. The fall being the one at the end of the episode. So I think it is Moriarty's body that we see hitting the ground, perhaps thrown from a first floor window which Watson had no view of.

Sherlock jumps into the truck, Moriarty his the ground, blood splattering from his head wound onto the ground. He is immediately picked up by people hired by Sherlock and placed into the back of the truck which then drives off leaving Sherlock to lay down in the blood and assume the position we see when John walks up.

There is no other way that I can see, so I guess we'll have to wait for season 3 for the definitive answer. IATC posted over a year ago. TheOtherHolmes said: Simple, Holmes fell into the laundry truck Shown before Watson is hit by a bicycle, and also because we dont see Holmes' impact he then used a body from the morgue that molly works at what he asked for earlier. Being Sherlock he knew what Moriarty was planning and prepared..

As the laundry truck drove away, he escaped leaving watson to see the body. The most important things are the chalked out area on the ground below Sherlocks fall and the truck positioned exactly beside it. A mattress could easily be positioned near this to catch his fall, then pulled in, in the chalked out area. In the episode beforehand, the little girl was terrified of Sherlock when she saw him. This shows that most likely there was someone who looked like Sherlock. He asks Molly for a favour.

Either the person who looks like him is dead in the morgue or someone has been created to look like him. When John is walking towards Sherlock, the truck obscures his view of Sherlock.

He gets hit by a cyclist, who is probably one of Sherlock's homeless people, hired to do that. The truck pulls away So, if they had someone in the truck that looked like Sherlock, as soon as he fell on the mattress quickly pushed into the chalked area, which was there because Sherlock would know where to aim for which was then pulled into the truck.

Sherlock's look-alike was pushed out again, the truck pulled away. John, because he had been hit and was probably dazed and shocked, did not notice the slight differences in the body, which was taken away before he could have a closer look. I think that explains most of it :. It was moriarty. TTotalChillOut said: Well I personally think that the homeless network probably catched him or set up some sort of fall dampener.

Molly could have made his death certificate and all that, but also a body. Also, the stretcher never goes to an ambulance.

There wasn't one in the first place, or was there? John never sees Sherlock hit the ground. He didn't keep his eyes fixed on him! After John found sherlock on the floor It must have been fake blood and make up that was in the lorry. Before this Sherlock asked Molly for help. So the Cyclist must have been a friend of Molly's and so must the Lorry driver and the people who surrounded Sherlock on the ground!!!!!!

Can you see my point? TheWomen said: I think Sherlock did actually fall, but he fell in an odd way to slow down the fall. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. BCLC 1, 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges. Stefan Stefan Can't remember where I heard or read it, sorry - have been looking! Hope I didn't dream it! No problem: Could whomever downvoted this please leave a comment to let me know why? There are few problems with this - we can see Holmes' face as he is rolled over.

So are you saying they found someone who looked like him? Also, the fall was a straight drop.. I think. Maybe I will go home and watch it once more. Show 3 more comments. I lost count. And from Mrs.

That was right on my bins. Edit: added corroborating evidence from S3E1 by the numbers: Sherlock spreads his arms to either side and falls forward, plummeting towards the ground. Is it just me or? He beat up Neilson and when Lestrade asked he said he fell out of his window, since the beating was heavier, he asked how many times and Sherlock slyly replied multiple times? I could be wrong but this is how i remember the episode.

SenthilKumar is your question about the cited quotes? If so, I took this directly from these Sherlock transcripts arianedevere. Your recollection does sound familiar, however, so I wonder why this transcript differs--luckily, it corroborates the same point. There is one problem with all the explanations here - How did Holmes know that he would be asked to jump from the building?

If he had to arrage all this elaborate setup then he had to know. I'm not sure that would be a particular question with any explanation, though We take it as a given that he foresaw that he had to fake his death--you and I don't yet know, but we know that Sherlock did otherwise his talking to Molly and the throwing the agent off the roof had no purpose. We certainly couldn't have known that he would HAVE to jump from the building, but seeing as it would be the only controllable way to fake it and get distance from Moriarty for whom he couldn't have foreseen suicide , I speculate he would've requested to jump anyway.

There are several things that you had to notice to put this together: Sherlock asks for Molly's help. With what? I'm gonna get there in a sec. Sherlock talked to the homeless network earlier in the episode for unknown reasons. Sherlock tells Watson exactly where to stand There is a truck full of garbage bags near the place where Sherlock lands.

Before the truck arrive, there is an out of service bus parked in that spot to save it. You can tell it's out of service because it's parked there for the duration of Sherlock's conversation with Moriarty, and there's even an old man banging on the door with a cane to no avail when Sherlock first stands on the ledge.

Earlier in the episode, Sherlock is bouncing a ball in the hospital. Sherlock calls the reporter, Riley I think her name was Robotnik 2 2 gold badges 10 10 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Candice Candice 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Rob Rob 3 3 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. That is a seriously nice idea! This is a better idea than Stefans. I suppose we'll find out soon enough!

Or not. In January , Steven Moffat provided some insight in an interview on how Sherlock faked his death: As we keep saying to people, I do think there was -- I can now say this -- a measure of nonsense going on. JIM: Not just John. In a whisper Everyone. JIM in a whisper, with a delighted smile : Everyone. JIM: Unless my people see you jump.

Yes, I agree that it is deliberate that we are denied closure of the question. This is the best answer! I don't think it's true cause Sherlock Writers of Sherlock was playing? As he said everyone is critic. Sherlock asked Molly for help but the audience didn't find out what for.

Moriarty actually told Sherlock he was going to fall! Sherlock chose the location, not Moriarty Could the cyclist who hit John be part of the homeless network? The real Sherlock, then, jumped with a bungee cable which allowed him to bounce back and enter the hospital through a window and once inside he kissed Molly.

This final explanation says Sherlock and his brother Mycroft figured out 13 possible outcomes of the meeting at the rooftop with Moriarty, and each one was given a code, so all Sherlock had to do was text Mycroft the right code. The members of his Homeless Network then rolled out an inflatable mattress and posed as shocked bystanders, so all Sherlock had to do was jump and land on the mattress, and with the help of a squash ball under his arm, he stopped his pulse long enough for Watson to check if he was dead.

In the end, it's up to viewers to decide if that final version was the real one or if there can be another explanation on how the Great Detective survived the Reichenbach Fall in Sherlock. Adrienne Tyler is a features writer for Screen Rant.


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