Urea is produced when protein, found in meats, is broken down in the body. There are a pair of kidneys that are purplish-brown and are located below the ribs in the middle of the back.
Their function is to:. The kidneys remove waste from the blood through tiny filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is made up of a ball of small blood capillaries, called a glomerulus.
There is also a small tube called a renal tubule, which drains the urine and joins other tubules carrying the urine out of the kidney to the ureter. Circular muscles that help keep urine from leaking by closing tightly like a rubber band around the opening of the bladder. All rights reserved. The kidneys have other important functions. They control blood pressure and produce the hormone erythropoietin.
This hormone controls red blood cell production in the bone marrow. The kidneys also control the acid-base balance and conserve fluids. Two kidneys. This pair of purplish-brown organs is located below the ribs toward the middle of the back. Their function is to:.
The kidneys remove urea from the blood through tiny filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron consists of a ball formed of small blood capillaries glomerulus and a small tube called a renal tubule. When you drink more, this hormone level goes down, and the kidneys will let go of more fluids.
You might notice that sometimes your pee is darker in color than other times. Remember, pee is made up of water plus the waste that is filtered out of the blood. If you don't take in a lot of fluids or if you're exercising and sweating a lot, your pee has less water in it and it looks darker.
If you're drinking lots of fluids, the extra fluid comes out in your pee, and it will be lighter. Kidneys are always busy. Besides filtering the blood and balancing fluids every second during the day, the kidneys constantly react to hormones that the brain sends them. Kidneys even make some of their own hormones. For example, the kidneys produce a hormone that tells the body to make red blood cells. Now you know what the kidneys do and how important they are.
Maybe next Valentine's Day, instead of the same old heart, you can give your parents a special card featuring the kidneys!
Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. Vaginal laser surgery is also becoming a viable treatment option, he explained. Interstitial cystitis IC , also called painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic bladder condition, primarily in women, that causes bladder pressure and pain and, sometimes, pelvic pain to varying degrees, according to the Mayo Clinic.
It can cause bladder scarring, and can make the bladder less elastic. While the cause isn't known, many people with the condition also have a defect in their epithelium, the protective lining of the bladder. Prostatitis is a swelling of the prostate gland and, therefore, can only occur in men.
Often caused by advanced age, symptoms include urinary urgency and frequency, pelvic pain and pain during urination, the Mayo Clinic noted. Kidney stones are clumps of calcium oxalate that can be found anywhere in the urinary tract. Kidney stones form when chemicals in the urine become concentrated enough to form a solid mass, according to the Cleveland Clinic. They can cause pain in the back and sides, as well as blood in the urine.
Many kidney stones can be treated with minimally invasive therapy, such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which disintegrates the kidney stones with shock waves.
Kidney failure, also called renal failure and chronic kidney disease, can be a temporary often acute condition or can become a chronic condition resulting in the inability of the kidneys to filter waste from the blood. Other conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, can cause chronic kidney disease, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Acute cases may be caused by trauma or other damage, and may improve over time with treatment. However, renal disease may lead to chronic kidney failure, which may require dialysis treatments or even a kidney transplant. Bladder cancer is diagnosed in about 75, Americans each year and is more frequent in men and the elderly according.