Orcas work together to take care of the young, and other females in the pod will often help with the rearing. Female killer whales have an average life span of 50 years, but some individuals are estimated to have lived up to years.
Males live shorter lives, with an average life span of 29 years and a maximum life span of 60 years, according to the Center for Whale Research in Washington state. Killer whales are the most widely distributed mammals, other than humans and possibly brown rats, according to SeaWorld.
They live in every ocean around the world and have adapted to different climates, from the warm waters near the equator to the icy waters of the North and South Pole regions. Orcas have been known to travel long distances. For example, one study found that a group of orcas traveled from the waters off of Alaska to those near central California, according to IUCN — a distance of more than 1, miles 1, km. All orcas are currently listed under one species, Orcinus orca.
However, there are recognizable differences between populations, and biologists have identified several distinct forms, known as ecotypes, which may actually be different species or subspecies, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA. Killer whale ecotypes can vary in size, diet and behavior. In the North Pacific, scientists have identified resident orcas, which tend to have small ranges — hence the name — and specialize in catching fish.
Bigg's killer whales, or transient orcas, can also be found in the North Pacific. These orcas travel great distances and hunt mammals such as seals and whale calves. Offshore orcas can also be found in this region. They live far from coastlines and have been seen eating fish and sharks, but relatively little is known about them.
Type 1 orcas are generalist eaters and have been observed eating fish and seals around European countries, including Norway and Scotland. Type 2 orcas are rarer and mainly eat other whales and dolphins. Scientists didn't have sufficient data when it was last assessed in due to the uncertainty regarding its taxonomic classification — whether orcas should be split into different subspecies or species.
The IUCN noted that as a single species, the killer whale is abundant and widely distributed. However, they still face threats from human activities and some regional populations, such as the orcas dependent on bluefin tuna in the Strait of Gibraltar, have declined significantly.
Human civilizations around the world kill orcas directly and indirectly. They are still hunted for food in small numbers, or as a means to control their population, in Greenland, Japan, Indonesia and the Caribbean, according to the IUCN.
Contaminants in the ocean and seas, such as chemicals and oil, pose a threat to orcas along with disturbance by boats, overfishing and other disruptions to their food supply and climate change, according to IUCN. Killer whales are protected in the U. Southern resident killer whales are also listed under the Endangered Species Act as they are at particular risk of extinction, due to threats like noise from boat traffic and a decline in the salmon population — their preferred food.
In general, baleen whales are too big for the sharks to attack except for the larger ones like the great white sharks. This means that depending on the size, whales may be preyed upon. At lengths of up to 60 ft. When they see an aggressive shark, they immediately attack it with the whole pod. This is why sharks avoid pods with many dolphins. The dolphins will slam their snouts into the soft stomach of the shark which leads to serious internal trauma.
They also use their snouts to hit the gills of the shark. The killer whale and the great white shark are two of the most powerful predators in the oceans.
Marine experts believe they likely fell prey to orcas aka killer whales. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Assignment How do whales protect themselves? Ben Davis April 2, Staying together in large pods also allows orcas to hunt effectively.
This ensures that all members of the pods eat enough to survive and remain healthy. Orca whales use cooperative hunting techniques to hunt prey such as seals. Some researchers have reported that pods of orcas will work together to dislodge ice floes.
They use their bodies to create large waves, which wash the seals from safety and into the waiting mouths of the whales. Orcas will also intentionally beach themselves next to seals, grab their prey and drag themselves back into the water with the help of the tides.
The sheer size of the orca could be one of its best defenses. Male orcas can reach a length of 32 feet, and female orcas can grow as long as 28 feet. The size of the orca whale guarantees its spot at the top of the food chain. In large pods, orcas make formidable predators. Orca whales will also use their powerful tails to stun prey. The orca's sharp eyesight and acute sense of hearing also help the whale navigate through the water, locate prey and avoid danger.