Always bear this simple fact in mind. The reader is as smart as you smarter even , the reader will catch up with you, sniff out what you're doing, get your number. That's why, you have to pull off some of the hardest tricks in literature, you have to almost NOT be able to work them out yourself. Not play dumb, but the opposite: play to the super-smart reader.
Instead of trying to think 'What might be a good symbol for X? Trawl through your own memory or knowledge or reading around a subject Look for something that niggles, that stands out, that doesn't fit Firstly, think of 10 images - random, odd, unconnected, self-assured, out-of-place, independent. Just strong vivid images on their own.
Allow them to be slightly silly or rubbish in places. Don't try and explain them. Let them find you. Lyrical writing in any genre makes prose musical and rhythmic. Lyrical prose invites reader appreciation on two levels—for the meaning and for the sheer beauty of the language.
She was sixty-four years old, with hair in a knot no larger than a walnut, and she looked almost as narrow from the front as she did from the side.
In fact, the only thing that appeared three-dimensional about Boori Ma was her voice: brittle with sorrows, as tart as curds, and shrill enough to grate meat from a coconut. Rash , a novelist, short story writer, and poet, draws a connection between the short stories and poems. The lyrical quality of his writing helps to soften the often harsh subject matter of his stories. Unsubscribe at any time. Back Blog Archive. Three Tips for Crafting Lyrical Prose. Tip 2: Set Your Syllabic Style Imagine conversing with a toddler who spoke dominantly in words of four or more syllables.
Take Dr. Tip 3: Consider Sentence Structure The length of a sentence is equally as powerful as its content. Never Miss A Post Subscribe to receive new articles in your inbox.
The best way to figure out which techniques you should focus on for your project is to study examples of the type of lyric you want to write. Usually, an artist consistently uses the same writing technique in all of their works, so much so that the style becomes their "signature".
Take some time each day to read the works of your favorite poet. Identify the writing technique they use, and then once a week - for 8 weeks - try to duplicate one of their written works. You've already taken the biggest step by searching for this info, so take the next step.