What is nucleus for kids

When the cell is going to divide , the chromatin becomes very compact. It condenses. When the chromatin comes together, you can see the chromosomes. You will also find the nucleolus inside of the nucleus. When you look through a microscope, it looks like a nucleus inside of the nucleus. It is made of RNA and protein. It does not have much DNA at all. Useful Reference Links. See the full list of biology topics at the site map! Current Page: Biology4Kids. Oldest known depiction of cells and their nuclei by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , A micrograph of ongoing gene transcription of ribosomal RNA illustrating the growing primary transcripts.

An image of a newt lung cell stained with fluorescent dyes during metaphase. The mitotic spindle can be seen, stained green, attached to the two sets of chromosomes , stained light blue. All chromosomes but one are already at the metaphase plate. A mouse fibroblast nucleus in which DNA is stained blue. The distinct chromosome territories of chromosome 2 red and chromosome 9 green are stained with fluorescent in situ hybridization.

An electron micrograph of a cell nucleus, showing the darkly stained nucleolus. Macromolecules , such as RNA and proteins , are actively transported across the nuclear membrane in a process called the Ran-GTP nuclear transport cycle. Human red blood cells, like those of other mammals, lack nuclei.

This occurs as a normal part of the cells' development. Cell nucleus facts for kids Kids Encyclopedia Facts. All content from Kiddle encyclopedia articles including the article images and facts can be freely used under Attribution-ShareAlike license, unless stated otherwise.

The DNA contains all of the instructions for the functioning of the cell. The DNA molecules are well organized into chromosome structures. It uses translation with RNA for the configuration of amino acids, changing them into special proteins needed by the cell.

The nucleus has the ability to make exact duplicates of the DNA that it holds. It also uses transcription to make copies of the DNA instructions. Your answer:. Correct answer:. The nucleus is pretty important and it has its own membrane that surrounds it.

The nucleus is a bit complex and it has many parts: Nuclear envelope : this consists of two different membranes, and inner and an outer membrane. The envelope acts as a protection for the nucleus, keeping it safe from all of the other cytoplasm within the cell as well as keeping the special nucleus molecules from escaping.

Nucleolus : This is a larger structure inside the nucleus that is responsible for making RNA and ribosomes. Nucleoplasm : This is a liquid that is inside the nucleus.


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